af Milu » fre mar 14, 2014 01:42
Måske I, i stedet for, skulle betale siden for reklameplads??
Gigawatt PC-4 EVO - DCB - LS-2HC
Allo DigiOne Player
Oppo BDP-103D - AppleTV4
Metrum Acoustics Ambre Roon endpoint
Metrum Acoustics Adagio
Benchmark AHB2
EgglestonWorks Andra III
XLR: Vovox Sonorus Direct (uskærmet)
BNC/RCA Digital: Canare LV-77S
HT: VdH Clearwater lagt dobbelt
Strømkabler: Vovox Initio Power (uskærmet) Test: Vovox Vocalis Power (uskærmet)
Ethernet: Jcat Switch - Audioquest Vodka + Cinnamon
The devil is in the details