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Din Jazz ting er klart noget der må kigges nærmere på
macwerk skrev: The Big Reunion
Vi skal også have noget støvet gammelt jazz.
Der er ikke tale om et 'must have', men et ´nice to have' album. Udgivelsen kan jeg ikke hjælpe med da min plade er en eller anden demo ting, uden labels og numre, men her er hvad der står på coveret:
The Big Reunion - Fletcher Henderson All Stars under the direction of Rex Stewart
Trumpets: Rex Stewart, Emmett Berry, Taft Jordan and Joe Thomas.
Trombones: J.C. Higginbotham, Benny Morton and Dickie Wells.
Saxes: Garvin Bushell and Hilton Jefferson, altos; Coleman Hawkins and Ben Webster, tenors; Haywood Henry, baritone.
Clarinet: Buster Bailey. Piano: Red Richards. Guitar: Al Casey. Bass: Bill Pemberton. Drums: Jimmy Crawford.
The highlight of the Great South Bay Jazz Festival on Long Island during the summer of 1957 was a pulsating, powerhouse performance by seventeen inspired musicians who came to revive the music and the spirit of the great Fletcher Henderson Band. In ensemble and individually they stole the show, and then it was all over excited listeners first rejoiced, then murmured sadly, "Too bad this was never recorded!"
Well, actually, it was recorded. The Voice of America had been there in full tape-machine force and for a while it looked as if the rest of the jazz world would get a chance to hear the sounds. But the AFM muttered an emphatic "no!" and that was that.
Still, the guys in the band, headed by Rex Stewart, who had organized and rehearsed them especially for the Festival, retained their enthusiasm and their desire to let the rest of the world hear what they had to blow. So we arranged to revive the spirited blowings in sterophonic sound at RCA Victor's brand new Studio A.
The results are contained herein. And how do they compare with what was heard at the Festival? All we can do is to quote one of the musicians while listening to a play-back on the session. "If only we'd sounded as great as this out on Long Island! Man! This is it!!"
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