Denne er ikke med i Mærsk containeren der er på vej fra MDT og Amazon. Men det skyldes kun at jeg har for rigeligt med udgaver i forvejen. En ung pianist der kalder på minder om Glenn Gould og Andras Schiff skal man ellers ikke forbigå, forhåbentligt kommer der mere fra ham.
J S Bach: Keyboard concertos
David Fray (piano)
Lebrect giver 4 stjerner og skriver....The emergent French pianist, 27 years old in floppy locks, first caught the ear last year in a bizarre solo programme of Bach and Boulez, ill-matched but oddly effective. Self-assured and conversational in tone, Fray saunters through the Bach concertos as if narrating adventure stories to a hyperactive child who needs to be diverted from irresistible urges. His hypnotic therapy works pretty well with stressed-out adults.
Imagine a sound midway between Glenn Gould and Andras Schiff and you have something like David Fray’s self-immersion in the inexorable logic of a Bach score. The added quality is a brushed-velvet keyboard touch that sounds almost too hushed to be real. Fray directs from the keyboard without giving the impression that he looks up much at the orchestra – the alert but unremarkable German Kammerphilharmonie of Bremen. In faster passages, there is a Gouldian sense of a young man laughing at some inner joke of his own making. Not for one moment is Fray dull. I can’t wait to hear him in concert and I don’t think I will have to wait long. He recently married Chiara, daughter of the influential conductor Riccardo Muti.
Fås på DVD til under 100kr MDT.
Denne er med – også selvom musikken slet ikke mangles. Men min Rubinstein samling er lille, men denne live skal snart nydes... store forventninger.

Piano Sonata No. 23 in F minor (“Appassionata”)
Carnaval Op. 9
Ballade No. 1 in G minor Op. 23: Etude in E minor Op. 25 No. 5
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 in C-sharp minor
A prole do bebé – O polichinelo
Arthur Rubinstein (piano) Medici Arts- 029 2(CD)
Jed Distler Classicstoday skriver...Here are 80 minutes' worth of highlights from Arthur Rubinstein's April 20, 1963 recital in Nijmegen, and "high" is the operative word. The performances bring together the musical maturity and technical polish distinguishing many of Rubinstein's late-period studio recordings, along with that additional communicative immediacy, verve, and daring he brought to the concert platform. Moreover, the microphone placement preserves both the 76-year-old pianist's gorgeous, full-bodied tone and how it carried across the footlights to the balcony so that even the softest playing has definition and body.
Beethoven's Appassionata matches the ardency and passionate sweep of Rubinstein's earlier, more cavalier studio renditions, yet with the stereo revision's more thorough details, such as steadier basic tempos and greater care in regard to note values (the dotted rhythms at the Finale's outset). There's no rushing for effect nor overly complex display in Schumann's Carnaval, which oozes character, continuity, and a kind of personalized, heartfelt rubato that reads between the music's lines rather than draws attention to the pianist. Also notice the fullness of tone Rubinstein achieves in bravura writing with little help from the sustain pedal (Papillons and Pause).
This holds true in some of the Chopin G minor Ballade's fiery passages, and particularly in the coda's clean, steadily built up ascending scales. The E minor Etude's alluring patina and flexible expressivity typifies Rubisintein's best performances of a work he otherwise didn't record. And compared to his relatively dry mono Liszt Twelfth Rhapsody, this live version oozes color, poetry, and irresistible scintillation. As he often did, Rubinstein closed the show with Villa-Lobos' O polichinelo, leaving his audience and this critic extremely well satisfied. If you love Rubinstein, you'll love him even more after you hear this disc.
Rubinstein live – yes. Med livsglade øjne fanges de smukke kvinder i salen og så lægges de ned med zauber spil. Bagefter var der champagne og hummer – usundt??? Manden blev over 90.
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.