SES. skrev:Lige en cello gentagelse. Disse 3 CDer er i alle henseender topklasse. Smukke optagelser, meget intenst spil, som gør musikken levende og vedkommende og dermed meningsfuld.
Natalie Clein i Bloch og Bruch
Steven Isserliis i Liszt, Faure, Janacek, Ades og Kurtag
Alisa Weilerstein i Elgar, Carter og Bruch
At Kol Nidrei er med både på Clein og Weilerstein gør ikke spor, mage til musikskønhed skal man lede længe efter.
Must own!!!
Lige et par billeder af de to kvinder og deres celloer.
SES. skrev:Mine Rachi hyldemetre er mere end stopfyldte, så om der bliver plads til denne ved jeg ikke endnu. Men Lisitsa som Slava engang bragte på banen med en fremragende Chopin DVD, er et bekendskab værd. Hun har boltret sig på Tuben og er vist helt sin egen. Her har hun selv satset for at få et sæt Rachi koncerter på plade. Min guru Lebrecht har denne fine oplevelse af pladerne.
Der er nogle fine klip på Tuben hvor hun spiller konceterne uden orkester!!! Hun har absolut sin mening om sagen.
Hvis nogen satser på sættet, vil kommentarer blive værdsat.![]()
A Ukrainian pianist, sidelined in North Carolina,, began filming herself at practice and uploading the videos online. Within four years, Valentina Lisitsa was the most-watched pianist in history with more than 40 million Youtube views. To the world at its screens, she is more famous than Horowitz and Van Cliburn combined. This, belatedly, is her first orchestral recording.
She paid for it herself, hiring the London Symphony Orchestra, Abbey Road and veteran producer Michael Fine, flying over for three sets of meticulously planned sessions. Unable to afford a big-brand conductor, she made a virtue of necessity and shared her interpretative ideas by video with LSO player-turned-conductor Michael Francis to avoid wasting a minute of expensive studio time.
The first thing that strikes you about this set is the pianist’s authority, her absolute conviction that each phrase can only be articulated in a certain way, her way. The assertiveness is most pronounced in the less performed concertos, the first and fourth, where she teases out subtle shifts that are commonly blown away in a blizzard of notes. The first concerto is played with a delicately calibrated rise of dynamic tension and the fourth with an empathetic and profoundly moving sense of irredeemable exile. In the C-minor concerto, she sidesteps melancholy and Brief Encounter romance to suggest a more innocent, hopeful kind of love, while in the D-minor she avoids tripwires at sensationally high speed, negotiating the tender Intermezzo without excess morbidity. The Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini turns into a bit of a romp, with the LSO in cracking form and Michael Fine delivering pellucid sound and perfect balance.
Any pianist addressing these concertos has to overcome the composer’s 1920s recordings as well as those of his most-cherished interpreter, Vladimir Horowitz, and four more generations of brilliant performances. Bearing these monuments in mind, I find this the most compelling full set of Rachmaninov concertos since Vladimir Ashkenazy’s with Andre Previn 40 years ago, a recording that perfectly captures its moment. Both the orchestra and the label are the same. Sometimes, these things are no coincidence. A tradition is renewed.
boydk skrev:SES. skrev:
Til den latterlige sum af 13.65£ incl. porto på skulle den da bare bestilles uden dikkedarer![]()
SES. skrev:boydk skrev:SES. skrev:
Til den latterlige sum af 13.65£ incl. porto på skulle den da bare bestilles uden dikkedarer![]()
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