Musikanlægget oppe igen. Er der ikke noget med at nyt skal spilles til? Der må være et problem et sted? Så meget silke kan der ikke være i en ny spille?
nå skidt .. det er jo ikke et problem at det lyder dejligt, selvom det ikke burde.
Denne Mozart skive er en rigtig weekend og morgen starter - jeg er allerede i utrolig godt humør - og hvor der musiceres

super must have skive

MOZART Concerto for 2 pianos KV365, Concerto for flute & harp KV299, Concerto for horn No. 3. Anima Eterna, Jos van Immerseel. Zig Zag Territoires
This new 'concertante' recording presents Jos van Immerseel and Yoko Kaneko along with three soloists from the orchestra: Franck Theuns (flute), Marjan de Haer (harp), and Ulrich Hübner (horn).The distinctive qualities of Anima Eterna's approach can be heard immediately in their choice of instruments. Each soloist searches for the most appropriate instrument, either in his or her own collection or in museums around Europe. A Christopher Clarke copy of a Walter fortepiano, a flute after a Grenser original, a single-action pedal harp by Érard, and a valveless horn attributed to the Viennese maker Joseph Huschauer and loaned by the Schloss Eutin Foundation
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.