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Indlægaf Kim Olsen » fre mar 30, 2007 16:08

lige nu spilles det nye anlæg til, crown dc300a og jbl Control 1xtreme, så den står på ham her:

og naturligtvis Queen

og så lidt blandet'

Krone siger du? nej den har jeg ikke på hovedet, den står der med skriften "DC300"
Kim Olsen
Indlæg: 2576
Tilmeldt: ons okt 19, 2005 19:17
Geografisk sted: The man cave

Indlægaf kibri » fre mar 30, 2007 16:44

Kan ikke forestille mig det mere cool...
Indlæg: 1032
Tilmeldt: fre okt 28, 2005 17:58

Indlægaf kibri » fre mar 30, 2007 17:34

...and the beat goes on.. sikke et flow.
Indlæg: 1032
Tilmeldt: fre okt 28, 2005 17:58

Indlægaf kibri » fre mar 30, 2007 20:12

Billedet lyver, men det er samme suveræne serie: Milt Jackson, M. Alexander, Lockjaw, Jimmie Smith, Clark Terry og Ray Brown fanget live i Montreux 13/7-77. Disse jam-sessions er høj, høj kvali.

Kenny Burrell og A. Blakey på Blue Note. Fra ´59. DMM masteret af Teldec i ´86 og det har de gjort overraskende godt.
Indlæg: 1032
Tilmeldt: fre okt 28, 2005 17:58

Indlægaf gurdet » lør mar 31, 2007 09:01

Denne her:
Braley / Deneve / Le Sage / Orchestre Philharmonique De Liege - Poulenc: Piano Concerto, etc / Le Sage, Denève, Braley CD Cover Art
Francis Poulenc: Concerto pour 2 pianos, Concerto pour piano, Aubade
Et rent lykketræf for mig. (RilleDille og så 29 kr....)
MON DIEU, det er godt...

Without doubt, this French domestic release is the finest single disc of Poulenc concertos available, better even than the composer's recordings, and that's saying a lot. They have everything: style, spirit, a vivid sense of fun, a touch of sentiment that never turns maudlin, and that ability to change moods every few bars that Poulenc always requires. In the Concerto for Two Pianos Eric Le Sage and Frank Braley have a field day tossing phrases back and forth, or hauntingly recreating those gamelan sounds that infiltrate the work at critical moments (particularly at the end of the first movement). From the delicious, faux-Mozartian central Larghetto to the jazzy finale, the players relish every nuance. It's a blast.

Here, as in the other two works, conductor Stéphane Denève perfectly captures the wry, "sec" quality of Poulenc's orchestral writing with vivacious rhythmic underpinning and crystal clear textures. La Sage's interpretation of the Piano Concerto simply wipes the floor with the competition. He's one of the few artists who knows how to savor the music's salon ambience without wallowing, and the tempos he and Denève choose are ideal. Aubade, an odd ballet/concerto that has been frequently recorded, seldom satisfactorily, for once enjoys an accompaniment as characterful and involving as the piano part, with terrific contributions from the solo winds. The final couple of minutes are simply magical. Beautifully clean, well-balanced sonics round out this enticing picture. Let's hope RCA makes this release available internationally. It's unbeatable. [5/12/2005]

--David Hurwitz


Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf kibri » lør mar 31, 2007 10:52

John Kongos fra ´72. Eminent.. og læser man de første linier på allmusic, forstår man:

..."This classic 1972 album on Elektra by John Kongos has Queen/Cars director Roy Thomas Baker remixing superb production by Gus Dudgeon, the man who created many an Elton John hit. Elton sidemen Ray Cooper, Caleb Quaye, Dave Glover, Roger Pope, Sue (Glover) and Sunny (Leslie) — pretty much the crew from John's 1971 epic Madman Across the Water — are all excellent here"..

Et hav af supermusikere indgår.
Indlæg: 1032
Tilmeldt: fre okt 28, 2005 17:58

Indlægaf fan of the man » lør mar 31, 2007 14:34

Ahhh  endelig forår............. Og op popper Clash....................Bør nydes rigtigt højt!

Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music Guide:
For their second album, the Clash worked with the American hard rock producer Sandy Pearlman, best-known for his work with blue oyster cult and the Dictators. The teaming was quite controversial within the punk community, and the sound of
give em enough rope is considerably cleaner, yet the more direct sound hardly tamed the
Clash. While the record doesn't burn with the same intense, amateurish
energy of , it does have a big, forceful sound that is nearly as powerful. What keeps give em enough
from being a classic is its slightly inconsistent material. Many of the
songs are outright classics, particularly the first half of the record
("Safe European Home," "English Civil War," "Tommy Gun," "Julie's Been
Working for the Drug Squad") and "Stay Free," but the group loses some
momentum toward the end of the record. Even with such flaws,  give em enough ranks as one of the strongest albums of punk era.  
Have gun - will travel:

fan of the man
Indlæg: 931
Tilmeldt: man jan 02, 2006 08:11
Geografisk sted: Jylland

Indlægaf gurdet » søn apr 01, 2007 08:48

Sarah Shannon: City Morning Song (2007)
Mild musik til en mild dag. Giver associationer til gamle Phoebe Snow plader.
Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf vilmann » tirs apr 03, 2007 22:22

Hvad skal man dog med en CD-afspiller når man har en gammel 300 Mhz laptop og en Trends UD-10 USB Transporter?

Jeg hører CV Jørgensen :)


Indlægaf vilmann » tirs apr 03, 2007 23:05

Det bliver sjovt at få fat i alle CD'erne.....

Faith No More var et fantastisk orkester. Så meget liv og nerve bag støjen.


Indlægaf dksoulman » ons apr 04, 2007 18:39

Rod Stewart, Gasoline Alley fra 1970.
Rod Stewart "Every Picture Tells A Story"  1971
Nyt medlem
Indlæg: 10
Tilmeldt: ons feb 22, 2006 21:27
Geografisk sted: Odense

Indlægaf kibri » tors apr 05, 2007 08:15

Ryan Adams "Cold Roses"
....fik scoret "Heartbreaker" på noodle, men den venter..
Indlæg: 1032
Tilmeldt: fre okt 28, 2005 17:58

Indlægaf SES. » tors apr 05, 2007 16:17

Ingen billeder, men Bent Axen med Waltz for Wicky - før den lagde Ben Webster Duke in bed.
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.
Indlæg: 2578
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 25, 2005 06:58
Geografisk sted: Midtfyn

Indlægaf vilmann » tors apr 05, 2007 16:25

Jeg har billede  :lol:


Indlægaf SES. » tors apr 05, 2007 18:38

:wink: så en med billede. Manden med de berømte Planeter, har faktisk lavet andet. F.eks. denne

mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.
Indlæg: 2578
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 25, 2005 06:58
Geografisk sted: Midtfyn


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