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Indlægaf fan of the man » fre sep 10, 2010 17:30

Lod mig friste og bestilte den her..Kristjan:

Hopper lidt rundt til denne...lang tid siden jeg sidst købte en "ny" Stones lp.
Have gun - will travel:

fan of the man
Indlæg: 931
Tilmeldt: man jan 02, 2006 08:11
Geografisk sted: Jylland

Indlægaf A.R.T. » fre sep 10, 2010 21:25

Tror også jeg hopper med på Wazoo cd'en - Grand Wazoo er et fantastisk album!
Men her i eftermiddags fandt jeg denne til 50,- i Stereo Studio
Shakey: Neil Young's Biography
Det er spændende læsning og skal nok holde mig fanget weekenden over.
I tilgift har jeg sat denne på - for ligesom at komme i rette stemning.
Neil Young Journey Time Fades Away vinyl LP + poster
Neil Young: Time Fades Away (1973)
Jeg ved godt at gurdet bliver muggen for den fåes ikke på cd!
Ikke desto mindre er det noget nær det mest skramlende og desperate Young and The Stray Gators har lavet og en fuldstændig kovending i forhold til Harvest - som publikum, måske med rette, troede de skulle høre på denne live skive - de fik noget helt andet!
"Be kind, be real, or get out of my face"
- Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend

"It's All One Song"!
- Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young

Nye input fra zaka - NU!
Indlæg: 868
Tilmeldt: fre jun 08, 2007 22:24

Indlægaf ZIG » lør sep 11, 2010 10:02

FoTM kikker forbi i morgen.

Han får serveret Bombay Gin, Pilsner Urquall, Skotsk Linsesuppe, Irsk Cheddar og Hard Rock

Never mind the quality, Feel the width.

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Indlægaf gurdet » lør sep 11, 2010 14:47

@A.R.T. Muggen? Jeg fik næseblod! Hvorfor kommer den ikke ud? Jeg har nok ikke hørt den i 25 år.

Har lyttet til denne fremragende, akustiske bluesplade - en mand, hans stemme og hans guitar:

Rainer Ptacek: Live at the performance center (2000)
Optagelsen er fra juni 1997, hvor Ptacek tilsyneladende var kommet sig helt ovenpå en hjernesvulst. Desværre viste det sig ikke at være tilfældet, og han døde få måneder senere.


Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf bjerager » lør sep 11, 2010 15:12

Fandt den for en femmer forleden sammen med en ordentligt stak andet vinyl.
Indlæg: 308
Tilmeldt: ons feb 17, 2010 23:56

Indlægaf Kristian » lør sep 11, 2010 15:49

Le Corbeau, Evening chill / Montreal of the wind

en af min favorit fra 2009

N.B det er ikke lett stuff  :D

Første ord der kommer er Sonic Youth med lidt bland af honey B and the Tbone
Fusionerings process
(Gizmo * Zig^-1) = mo
Rebirth process
And the new Dr.Gizmo now call him self The Dr.Zigmo!
I'm a Zigmolationist!
Indlæg: 1430
Tilmeldt: søn okt 23, 2005 11:30

Indlægaf gurdet » lør sep 11, 2010 16:03

Orv, det ser interessant ud, Kristian.

Jeg er blevet et (villigt) offer for konens desperado-country flip:

Johnny Cash: At San Quentin (1969)
Cd-udgave med 18 numre, fremfor lp'ens 9.

Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf zaka » lør sep 11, 2010 17:00

Spændende Kristian! Jeg har engang været til rigtig god koncert med Honey B and the T-Bones. Jeg tror det var på 1000Fryd i Ålborg.

Jeg lytter til Stan Getz's svanesang:

Stan Getz & Kenny Barron - People Time (The Complete Recordings) 7CD 2010

Det er Stan Getz's sidste offentlige optræden før hans død. 4 aftener i Jazzhus Montmartre i marts 1991.
Med venlig hilsen

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.
~ Thelonious Monk

If you got the technique and I got a good sound, I'll beat you every time. You can play a thousand notes and I can play one note and wipe you out.
~Dewey Redman

Flere røverhistorier fra ZIG, tak!
Indlæg: 1324
Tilmeldt: tirs nov 08, 2005 22:22
Geografisk sted: Roskilde

Indlægaf Kristian » lør sep 11, 2010 17:09

Jeg var også til en konsert men Honey B i 88" på Island (vild tid), husker dog ikke meget fra dette aften andet en at det var fed konsert :)

Men kanskeoverdrevet at sige at det ligner Honey B, men heller en lidt mere Sonic Youth med saxafon :)

Husker godt pigen i Honey B, var det ikke bassen hun spilede?
Fusionerings process
(Gizmo * Zig^-1) = mo
Rebirth process
And the new Dr.Gizmo now call him self The Dr.Zigmo!
I'm a Zigmolationist!
Indlæg: 1430
Tilmeldt: søn okt 23, 2005 11:30

Indlægaf zaka » lør sep 11, 2010 19:27

Kristian skrev:...
Husker godt pigen i Honey B, var det ikke bassen hun spilede?

jo, Aija "Honey B." Puurtinen spillede bas. Jeg husker hende også!

Med venlig hilsen

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.
~ Thelonious Monk

If you got the technique and I got a good sound, I'll beat you every time. You can play a thousand notes and I can play one note and wipe you out.
~Dewey Redman

Flere røverhistorier fra ZIG, tak!
Indlæg: 1324
Tilmeldt: tirs nov 08, 2005 22:22
Geografisk sted: Roskilde

Indlægaf A.R.T. » søn sep 12, 2010 12:24

En udemærket rock skive lidt i stil med Matthew Sweet og Ian McNabb.
Soma City
Kevin Salem: Soma City (1994)
Indflydelsen fra Neil Young er ikke til at overhøre, men produceren er også Niko Bolas som Neil har brugt flere gange.
"Be kind, be real, or get out of my face"
- Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend

"It's All One Song"!
- Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young

Nye input fra zaka - NU!
Indlæg: 868
Tilmeldt: fre jun 08, 2007 22:24

Indlægaf gurdet » søn sep 12, 2010 23:11

En vaskeægte ukendt indie garagerocker:

The Wrens: Secaucus (1996)
Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf gurdet » søn sep 12, 2010 23:30

...og så, halvvejs igennem ovenstående, bliver den lidt blævrede lyd for meget, og jeg ønsker mig noget hugget-i-granit musik. Shellac:

Shellac: 1000 Hurts (2000)
... bare lige et par kæberaslere at gå i seng på.
Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf ZIG » man sep 13, 2010 16:49

Jeg hører for mit indre øre den her:-

Stereophile Blog:

A few thousand jazz fans are feeling lightheaded this morning. They saw Sonny Rollins’ 80th-birthday concert at the Beacon Theater in New York City last night, and they’re still marveling (especially those too young to have witnessed giants walking the earth in great number) that, finally, they’ve seen a concert that made them tremble and that people will be talking about years from now.

In the past decade or so, we’ve come to expect 10 or 15 magical minutes from a Rollins concert, a long passage, maybe two, of transcendence—when the saxophone colossus unlocks a new passageway into the heart of a song, then bursts through with a solo that takes it where no mortal has flown—and that’s enough to make up for the hour of tentativeness.

Last night, Rollins played tentative for the first few minutes, attacking the same phrase over and over, building up his rhythm, maybe taking the measure of the house, then blasted off and never came back. I’ve heard Rollins play better solos than last night, but this was the best sustained playing I’ve heard from him—through ballads, blues, calypsos, the whole gamut—in maybe 15 years: two-and-a-half hours of playing, uninterrupted by intermission or even a long pause.

His band (guitar, bass guitar, drums, congas) is more cooking than any band he’s had in years. And the guests! Roy Hargrove, blowing his trumpet with more virtuosic clarity than ever. A reprise of the trio with bassist Christian McBride and drummer Roy Haynes, soaring well beyond their brief appearance at Carnegie Hall three years ago. (Haynes is 85, and still swishing the cymbals with that expansive rhythm. I couldn't help but wonder: Are he and Rollins the last two men alive who played with Charlie Parker?)

Then out comes Ornette Coleman! and the crowd went wild. He and Rollins, the same age, haven’t ever played together on stage before. (In the late ‘50s, when Rollins was out in L.A., making his albums for Contemporary, the two of them once or twice played together on the beach north of Santa Monica, but I’m pretty sure that’s it.) They went back and forth, playing in two different styles (though Haynes and McBride hoisted a unifying anchor), but Ornette played beautifully (after a couple of squawks), and he spurred Sonny to unclimbed heights of free improv. It was shiversome stuff.

Then all the musicians came out once again, to play a closing calypso (except for Ornette, who doesn’t do this sort of thing). It swung like crazy. The lights came up, and everybody looked in a daze. Did that really happen? Like all Rollins concerts these days, it was recorded. Maybe the titan of the tenor, intensely self-critical, liked it too, maybe he’ll even release it

"Shiversome stuff"

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Indlægaf ZIG » man sep 13, 2010 19:17

Har ventet spændt.....det kan næste kun gi' skuffelse.

Jeg tror, den skal have heavy rotation, før jeg kan dele i deres glæde.

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus


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