Bryde skrev:Kristian skrev:Miles Davis har vært under nålen sidste dagene, må skaffe mig endnu flere plader med ham, akkurat nu så er det
The man with the horn
sammen med Miles, Mike Stern, Marcus Miller, Bill Evans og flere .
Jeg var I New York i oktober måned , var bl.a på Mike Stern´s klub .
Han er stadig en fantastisk musiker og et rart menneske .
fan of the man skrev:Jeg var ung engang .... og det temmelig tæt på Århus. Dengang var det ikke så fedt ..... eller måske var det.
Yes. The simple act of turning electronics off and back on surges and shocks the entire unit inside, especially the electrolytic and film capacitors, which take quite a while to attain peak performance again. Because the unit is still warm to the touch means nothing. By turning the unit off and on you've just negated the entire "settling in period" and you need to start all over again by allowing the dielectrics to re-form and fully charge back up—to stop resonating from the turn-on surge and shock. It takes at least a week to reach peak performance levels if all of the associated gear and cabling has been fully burned in by being played with music signals for at least 500-600 hours since new.
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