Helt klart en af de bedre Bowie plader, synes jeg. Sidste skæring på side B "Wild Is the Wind" er et cover nummer, men det slipper manden temmelig godt fra. Jeg får myrepatter hver gang jeg hører det..højt!

I couldn't believe the events that unfolded when I pushed play on this album for the first time. Sitting on my couch, my jaw dropped in amazement as leprechauns paraded into my living room and proceeded to jig in utmost delight. Imagine my increasing incredulity as they were followed shortly by prancing unicorns, whose gilt hooves appeared never to even graze the carpet as they moved across the room. Soon my apartment was filled with the magical light of rainbows, gold was raining from the sky, and the air was vibrating with the glorious sound of angels' voices.
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