While Onkyo has been a part of the HD DVD
promotions group as long as we can remember, Onkyo really hasn't done
much. We have heard rumors about a HD DVD player from Onkyo for some
time, and there was even a mention of it at CES
this year. Our friends over at FormatWarCentral have discovered a few
details in an otherwise obscure Onkyo post on a UK site that we find
very interesting. Apparently Onkyo expects to launch the DV-HD805 this
autumn, and it will be based on the Toshiba HD-XA2 player -- with a few yet to be mentioned tweaks. We are excited to see another HD DVD player on the market, but we hope it's not just a re-badge of the HD-AX2. Before any format fanboys get too rabid; the Onkyo rep also mentioned that officially Onkyo supports both formats.
Den er ikke for køn, men det bliver da spændende at se en mere spiller på HD DVD markedet.