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Billigere Denon Blu Ray

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Billigere Denon Blu Ray

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons maj 21, 2008 07:30

Denon kommer nu med dvd 1800BD blu ray afspiller. Den skal koster 750 dollars og har "kun" profil 1.1

More Affordable Player Brings Denon-Quality Blu-ray Performance Within
Reach of More Consumers; Features HDMI 1.3a with Deep Color Support —
Mahwah, NJ, May 20, 2008 — Denon Electronics, one of the world's
premier manufacturers of high-quality home entertainment components,
today announced the introduction of the third member in its highly
successful and critically acclaimed Blu-ray DVD family, the model
DVD-1800BD Profile 1 version 1.1 Blu-ray Disc Player (SRP: $749).
Offering consumers extraordinary video quality and audio excellence at
a more affordable price point, the DVD-1800BD features HDMI 1.3a with
Deep Color and Bonus View support, full bitstream output of Dolby and
DTS-HD audio formats, as well as 1080p scaling from SD DVDs and
2-channel analog audio output. The Denon DVD-1800BD is scheduled for
availability in October 2008 Like Denon's two recently introduced
Blu-ray products, the DVD-3800BDCI Blu-ray Disc Player ($1,999) and the
DVD-2500BTCI (SRP: $1,199) Blu-ray Disc Transport, the DVD-1800BD
allows owners of advanced A/V receivers to add Blu-ray capability to
their system and enjoy high definition video. The VD-1800BD will
natively output an HD audio bit-stream to a connected receiver via
HDMI. Once this signal is accepted in the receiver, it can then be
decoded into its native format including Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby
TrueHD and DTS HD Master Audio. For those listeners who want to use the
DVD-1800BD as a step-up CD player, this unit features a dedicated
2-channel analog output, equipped with high-class Burr-Brown D/A
convertors and superior analog components to ensure the high level of
sound quality for which Denon is renowned.

In keeping with the guidelines mandated by the Blu-ray Association
for BD-ROM Profile 1 version 1.1 players, the Denon Model DVD-1800BD
incorporates a secondary audio and video decoder. This allows for
simultaneous playback of a secondary audio and video track which may be
used for interactive audio and commentary and for picture-in-picture
capability (respectively). Additional information (subtitles, audio
streams, camera angles, trailers, games, etc.) can be downloaded from
the Internet via computer and stored on a SD card that the player will
accept. This content can be played with the original content of Blu-ray

Lyder fedt! godt at se en billigere afspiller der
forhåbentlig også har et bedre DVD billede. Lidt træls den ikke har
analog 7.1 ud for det kan jeg ikke undvære, da min SS receiver ikke har

Jeg kan dog ikke finde nogle billeder af den og jeg kan heller ikke se hvad videochip der sidder i den.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

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