Blue Underground Adds D-Box Support

D-Box Technologies and Blue Underground have jointly announced that
Blue Underground, who recently announced its first wave of Blu-ray
titles, has licensed the right to use D-Box motion code on their
upcoming Blu-ray releases. The first Blu-ray title from Blue
Underground to use the technology will be the upcoming release of 'The
Final Countdown'.
William Lustig, President of Blue Underground commented, "We
are quite impressed by the potential of what we have seen. We really
think the unique
features provided by the D-BOX's technology will provide us with an
interesting marketing angle in the re-release of popular movies in the
definition Blu-ray format".
D-Box motion code, when combined with D-Box equipment,
provides a unique viewing experience where your seat reacts to the
images on screen. The majority of major Hollywood studios have also
licenced the technology, and include it on may of their releases.
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