Raskolnikov skrev:ifølge Homethaterreview så er Lexicons BD (som er en Oppo BD) meget god til cd lyd!
"For CDs, I went to a favorite new test disc of mine, Puscifier's V is for Vagina (Puscifier Entertainment) and went straight to the last track, "Rev. 22:20 (Dry Martini Mix)." I was glad to hear the Lexicon could reproduce the deep and solid bass lines, giving them sizeable air, while the vocals stayed separate. "Momma Sed" started with lively guitar. When the bass came in, the room filled with the notes. I had to compare this unit to my reference $21,000 EMM Labs TSD1/DAC2 combo and, as I suspected, the EMM Labs did outdo it, giving more depth and a larger soundstage, but both were fun to hear. The Lexicon was just less inviting and a bit more confined than the Meitner gear. As I say, just a little, which is a feat in itself."
Det lyder næsten for godt til at være sandt. Gad vide hvor god SE modellen så lyder?!
Thomas Sillesen skrev:PravdaPrada er "vist" noget kvinder bruger penge på
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