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Endnu et hollywood remake, Argentos Suspiria

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Endnu et hollywood remake, Argentos Suspiria

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » lør maj 19, 2007 10:20

Nu vil hollywood lave genindspilning af den klassiske Argento Film"Suspiria". Jeg forstår det ikke, da originalen er klassiskker med en visuel stil som jeg tror er MEGET sværd at genskabe!
Men ok, Michael Bay er jo også i gang med et remake af The Birds...

"First Sun has acquired the rights to remake Dario Argento's classic
1977 horror movie "Suspiria" an plan to remake it as an
English-language film.

"'Suspiria' has a unique style that we want to reinvent for today's
generation. We intend to create a concept that will encompass cinema,
videogames, fashion and music and that revives the original for those
who did not experience it. The Gothic resurgence is very strong around
the world at the moment ... and we feel that a new version of
'Suspiria' will fit very well" said 'Sun' co-founder and director Luca
Guadagnino ("Melissa P.") at a press conference in Cannes yesterday.

Guadagnino added that he is seeking an international director not
necessarily associated with the horror genre. First Sun is also in
talks with writer Scott Heim ("Mysterious Skin") and David Gordon Green
to adapt, and production is slated to begin next year.
The original refurbished Italian-language version of the film is set to
screen today at Cannes in honor of the 30th anniversary of its release."
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Tag » lør maj 19, 2007 15:42

Amerkaner har det med at genindspille Europeske film, selv Danske film er bliver remake på Amerkanske, ude at de er blivet en tand beder kun ringer.

"First Sun has acquired the rights to remake Dario Argento's classic
1977 horror movie "Suspiria" an plan to remake it as an
English-language film.".

Det kan aldrig gå god, fra en rigtigi god film til en Blocbuster udgave, dette er ikke godt.

Her i Europa laver vi kunst film men i Hollwood laver man Blocbuster film.

Håber at Dario Argento's classic komme på Blu-Ray snart.
Indlæg: 954
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 02, 2007 16:07

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