Endnu mere interessant er jo om dette blive gratis når man køber dvden eller om man skal betale en ekstra pris....fordi så kan det jo være lige meget. Hvis man har købt en film én gang, køber man den jo ikke igen for at se den på noget andet end sin dvd...

Det bliver også interessant om dette på sigt kan blive en trussel til itunes videosalg.
""According to Jim Wuthrich, Warner senior VP of
digital distribution, users can "buy the DVD and have the option of the
digital copy," and apparently, he also suggested that "another studio
was preparing to launch digital copies of a film tied to its DVD
release." Unfortunately, details about the actual formats and whatnot
weren't disclosed, so barring any unforeseen announcements, it looks
like we'll be waiting for the December 11th release of Order of the Phoenix to find out exactly what this disc contains."