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Bond på Blu Ray i oktober

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Bond på Blu Ray i oktober

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » fre jun 20, 2008 21:54

De første seks Bond Blu Ray kommer i oktober. Vi får dog mærkeligt nok ikke de første seks film... ;)
Selvom de er to af mine ynglingsbonds med. From Russia og Thunderball.
Så mangler vi bare Dr. No og Goldfinger.
Billede filnavn: 2k867c34ae0a.jpg

At last, MGM & 20th Century Fox have officially announced the first
Blu-ray releases of six of the twenty James Bond catalog titles in their vaults.

Scheduled to hit stores October 21st, three weeks before the release of "Quantum of Solace", the films include the acclaimed first two Sean Connery bond films "Dr. No" and "From Russia with Love" along with the highly successful "Thunderball".
There's also two Roger Moore titles including his first adventure "Live and Let
Die" along with one of his most acclaimed efforts "For Your Eyes Only".
Finally there's Pierce Brosnan's final and most derided Bond film entry "Die Another Day".

The series underwent a frame-by-frame digital restoration by Lowry Digital Images for their 'Ultimate Edition' re-release two years ago. At the time all the Bond films were scanned in at 4K resolution (DVD is 480 lines, Blu-ray is 1080 lines, 4K is 2160 lines) and restored to pristine condition. It's expected the Blu-ray transfers are being taken from those remasters.

No word yet as to when further Bond Blu-ray titles will hit stores but it's
expected there'll be a staggered release with the last batch to be
released around the same time that "Quantum of Solace" hits Blu-ray disc in March next year.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
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