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Soderbergs Che.

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Soderbergs Che.

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man nov 10, 2008 16:31

Billede filnavn: 2k55d6aafd78.jpg

Steven Soderberg er en af de bedste nulevende instruktører. Traffic var en fantastisk film. Hans næste film er et kæmpe værk omkring "Che Guevara" og den cubanske revolution.
Billede filnavn: 2k9fb92aa021.jpg

Filmen kommer i to dele og varer alt i alt over 4 timer! De to dele bliver beskrevet sådan her:

"The film is in two parts--Soderbergh is calling them two "films," and
the plan is to release them commercially as such. First is 'The
Argentine,' depicting Che's leadership in jungle and town fighting that
led up to the fall of Havana in the late 50's, and the second is
'Guerrilla,' and concerns Che's failed effort nearly a decade later in
Bolivia to spearhead a revolution, a fruitful mission that led to
Guevara's capture and execution in 1967. The second part was to have
been the original film and was written first and, I think, shot first.
Producer Laura Bickford says that part two is more of a thriller, while
part one is more of an action film with big battle scenes. Yes, but
both parts have a lot in common--too much--since both spend a large
part of their time following the guerrillas through rough country.
Guerrilla an unmitigated downer since the Bolivian revolt was doomed
from the start. The group of Cubans who tried to lead it didn't get a
friendly reception from the Bolivian campesinos, who suspected
foreigners, and thought of the Cuban communists as godless rapists.
There is a third part, a kind of celebratory black and white interval
made up of Che's speech at the United Nations in 1964 and interviews
with him at that time, but that is inter-cut in the first segment. The
first part also has Fidel and is considerably more upbeat, leading as
it does to the victory in Santa Clara in 1959 that led to the fall of
the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in Cuba."

Billede filnavn: 2k6d48c94cf1.jpg

Desuden er den skudt med det nye 4K RED kamera. Det bliver meget spændende at se hvad Soderberg har fået ud af denne historie.
Der er desværre ingen information om en dansk premiere endnu.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons dec 03, 2008 22:52

Ny poster og trailer. Ser faktisk rigtig fed ud!

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf a2zinck » tors dec 04, 2008 01:26

projektet kunne let blive noget forherligende makværk, hvis det ikke var fordi, at soderbergh stod i spidsen for propagandaen. afventer i spænding den nye film fra en yderst kompetent instruktør.
Indlæg: 890
Tilmeldt: tors feb 08, 2007 00:53
Geografisk sted: Aarhus

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 01, 2009 21:27

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf 27pH » fre jan 02, 2009 22:24

4 timer, halvlunkne anmeldelser. Glem det.

vH pH
Indlæg: 208
Tilmeldt: lør dec 03, 2005 11:04
Geografisk sted: Kbh

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