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Indlægaf Raskolnikov » fre jan 08, 2010 23:03

Jeg den 2. mest indtjenende film nogensinde og nr. 1 er Titanic. Jeg tror sgu den bliver nr. 1!
Det er der også andre der gør:

Newsweek har leget med tanken og har fundet 6 gode grunde til at Avatar slår Titanic:

Newsweek wrote:
1. The hard part is done. It took The Dark Knight seven months to gross $1 billion worldwide. It took Titanic nearly three months. Avatar has pocketed the same amount in a cool 17 days. The market pressure to release a film on DVD means movies aren't in theaters for seven to eight months anymore, as Titanic was. In Avatar's case, it doesn't need that much time: the heavy lifting is done, and after a scorching three-week kickoff, there's just (just!) over $800 million to go to beat Titanic's record.

2. It's competing against itself. January is historically the dumping ground for the year's weakest films, and this year looks to be no different: where December had strong commercial fare like Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel and Sherlock Holmes, January will average only three wide releases per weekend and boasts only one ballyhooed release (The Book of Eli, starring Denzel Washington). Titanic capitalized on the same January doldrums by roaring past the 1997 holidays to earn most of its cash in 1998. Then again, if you're operating on as much momentum as Avatar is, "competition can be overrated," says Brandon Gray, president and publisher of The film has established itself as a must-see, and "at this point, people who are going to see Avatar are going to see Avatar and would even if the slate was strong," Gray argues. The biggest threat to Avatar's lead could be when it has to cede 3-D screens to the next 3-D blockbuster, March's Alice in Wonderland.

3. Marketing the "novelty factor" has succeeded. The water-cooler wisdom you've probably heard about Avatar hits at the core of its marketing success: If you want to see this movie, you must see it in a theater. Fox positioned the film as a cinematic event, enticing audiences typically turned off by fantasy or science-fiction films by emphasizing the spectacle and majesty of it all. Call it Netflix proofing: "It's really hard to sell the idea that you can have the same experience at home," says David Mumpower, an analyst at "Avatar faced expectations as unreasonable as there are, and it met them. That made it a near-impossible triumph that people suddenly wanted to see."

4. The Oscars bring the heat. The buzz around a film historically heats up through the Academy Award countdown, and Avatar is a near lock to be nominated. Last year, three of the five best-picture nominees saw their domestic per-theater gross increase the weekend after they were nominated, and Slumdog Millionaire saw its domestic per-theater take jump on the weekend after it won the Oscar. For Avatar, nods from the Academy could lure in skeptical holdouts and repeat viewers.

5. There's a whole world out there. Two-thirds of Titanic's haul was earned overseas, and Avatar is tracking similarly (compare that with, say, The Dark Knight, which saw a near-even split between North American tallies and what it earned around the rest of the globe). Avatar opened in 106 markets globally and was No. 1 in all of them. Markets such as Russia, where Titanic saw modest receipts in 1997 and 1998, are white-hot today, analysts say, with more screens and moviegoers than ever before. Avatar stands poised to reap the benefits, and it has already dotted the globe with box-office records.

6. Premium ticket prices. Movies in 3-D took in $1.3 billion in 2009, according to Variety, a threefold increase over 2008 and more than 10 percent of the total 2009 box-office gross. The increased ticket price—an average of $2 to $3 per ticket in most markets—will undoubtedly help pad Avatar's coffers.

None of the above explanations, however, will diminish Avatar's accomplishment as a (potential) top grosser. "What makes Avatar remarkable is that it has no basis in previously established material," Gray says. The movie might be derivative of many movies in its story and themes, but it had no direct antecedent like the other top-grossing films: Titanic (historical events), the Star Wars movies (an established film franchise), or The Lord of the Rings (literature). It was a tougher sell, which makes its achievement more impressive.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Janils » fre jan 08, 2010 23:41

Jeg var til den sidste forestilling i Imperial - totalt udsolgt! Man forstår jo så ikke at de tager den af, men de er vel kontraktligt forpligtet, fordi der kommer en ny premierefilm.

Tror de kunne have kørt med udsolgte forestillinger et par uger mere - mindst!
Jan Nielsen -
Analog lyd, masser af pickupper, DIY højttalere, dipoler og gerne en god single malt, mens man nyder musikken.
Indlæg: 1953
Tilmeldt: man okt 24, 2005 22:10
Geografisk sted: København

Indlægaf Thomas Sillesen » fre jan 08, 2010 23:52

Ja, det er som et godstog der er kommet i fremdrift, det stopper man heller ikke lige. Det er jo også en unik chance for at se den første "rigtige" 3D film, og det trækker nok også rigtigt mange.
Med venlig hilsen

Thomas Sillesen
Thomas Sillesen
Indlæg: 1557
Tilmeldt: man okt 24, 2005 06:18
Geografisk sted: Esbjerg

Indlægaf krenzler » tors jan 14, 2010 14:16

Indlæg: 423
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 01, 2006 11:13
Geografisk sted: KBH Ø

Den er ok.

Indlægaf jensen » fre jan 15, 2010 00:10

Har lige set den i dag i 3d.

Ok film, lidt for lang og måske også lidt for sukker sød.
hvad nu
Indlæg: 1184
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 18, 2005 20:15

Indlægaf P.H. » søn jan 24, 2010 22:22

Janils skrev:Jeg var til den sidste forestilling i Imperial - totalt udsolgt! Man forstår jo så ikke at de tager den af, men de er vel kontraktligt forpligtet, fordi der kommer en ny premierefilm.

Tror de kunne have kørt med udsolgte forestillinger et par uger mere - mindst!
Så den endelig i Klovborg kino idag. Absolut en fed oplevelse.
Da jeg står ved billetlugen hører jeg en fortvivlet stemme i deres telefon: "Er der udsolgt???" "Jamen, det er da da" sagde billetdamen. Men, rolig...
I Klovborg kører den lige så længe folk vil se den (siger direktøren) - sådan!
De har nok lært noget af nabo-mejeriet: " En Klovborg (ost/film) ta'r den tid en Klovborg skal ta' "
Klovborg kino - Danmarks fedeste biograf - midt ude på bøhlandet.
Sony SCD XA333ES/Swoboda Superupgrade+
Ripstreamer XL, SSD/Modif. SoundDefined
Emm Labs Dac2X
Buchardt s400, Dynaudio 6
NLE, Swoboda, Acoustic Revive
Sugden Headmaster (Det hedder den! Det er ikke noget sjofelt)
Grado GS1000
Indlæg: 957
Tilmeldt: søn feb 19, 2006 22:11
Geografisk sted: Midtjylland

Indlægaf Janils » søn jan 24, 2010 23:41

De har også taget den op igen i Imperial - så vidt jeg kan se af annoncerne kører den stadig.
Jan Nielsen -
Analog lyd, masser af pickupper, DIY højttalere, dipoler og gerne en god single malt, mens man nyder musikken.
Indlæg: 1953
Tilmeldt: man okt 24, 2005 22:10
Geografisk sted: København


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