Det er en sci fi film i 3D og Sigourney Weaver er med! I am there!
Plottet er som følge:
Unfolding in the distant future on an exotic alien planet called Pandora, it’s the story of paraplegic ex-Marine Jake Sully.
After undergoing an experiment to exist in the alien world as an avatar – a
blue, 10ft-tall, genetically engineered biological body, controlled by
his human mind – Sully finds himself torn in a fight for his own
survival and that of Pandora’s indigenous people, the Na’vi.
Cameron’s script sets up an epic war between the native race of an incredible world and the humans who want to exploit it.
Video af Camerons 3D kamera. Det ligner MEGET den måde vores øjne fungerer på.
Læg mærke til at de siger at hans næste film ( Avatar ) kommer ud i 2007. Den blev så lige 2 år forsinket.
En masse om filmen.
“9. Soderbergh liked what he saw - a lot.
“Yeah, I went to the set,” said Steven Soderbergh, when Total Film quizzed him recently. “I can tell you that shit was mindblowing. The shit I saw was crazy. Like,
craaaazy.I I think it’s gonna be gigantic. It’s gonna be another one of
those benchmarks. There’s gonna be Before that movie and After.”
Hvis Soderberg er imponeret er det godt nok til mig!
Jeg tager sgu til Viborg og ser denne film i 3D til jul!