af jfo » lør jul 22, 2006 13:56
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A loudspeaker configuration developed by and named for Joe D'Appolito, in which a high frequency driver, or tweeter, is positioned between two midrange or low frequency drivers that each cover the same frequency range. Depending on the exact implementation the speakers can be positioned with a vertical and/or horizontal orientation. In either case the two midrange drivers serve a couple of purposes: they combine to create a larger effective woofer or midrange driver size, and they also serve to control the dispersion of the tweeter. The tweeter's output is somewhat corralled or contained by the sound coming from the midrange drivers in a similar way to how two parallel surfaces control dispersion. There are some variations on the design where two same sized woofer/midrange drivers may cover slightly different frequency ranges, however those aren't considered true D'Appolito designs. (Input from an inSync Reader:) The D'Appolito design specifies a third order crossover network. ?The tweeter is coordinated with the woofer so that at the selected crossover frequency, the drivers all have similar horizontal dispersion. ?(This is not easily accomplished because many drivers behave badly at the extremes of their range.) The advantage of doing it all correctly is one of the most seamless blending of drivers possible. ?The result is an absence of any sudden change in directivity with frequency. ?This may not mean much for monitors where there is a limited listening area, but in a typical room where a large percentage of the sound is reflected by the room, the effect is dramatic.