Tja, for over 1 år siden - mere præcis 2. juli 2017 - kunne man læse følgende meddelelse på Lars Kristensens Facebook-side:
Time has been running fast. It is now 15 years ago Michael Børresen and I started Raidho Acoustics.
We have been designing, manufacturing, marketing, developing, selling until the end of last month Raidho speakers. What a lovely time and what a fantastic trip. Of course it is very sad to leave our babies behind us.
But when that said, we now will use our whole time to do the same job for our 2 new babies, Ansuz Acoustics and Aavik Acoustics ,which both have been growing a lot in the last few years.
Hope that our distributors, dealers and consumers and friends will be around us.
Kind regards
Lars and Michael
Så Børresen højttalerne skal vel blot ses som en naturlig forlængelse i den sammenhæng?
Følger du slet ikke med, Gasolin

Vivid Audio Giya G4/Reference 3A MM De Capo i/Nottingham Analogue Hyperspace/Pink Triangle PT1/Sota Star Sapphire MKIII/Garrard 401 (projekt)/Alphason Sonata (projekt)/Roksan Xerxes (projekt)/Voyd Valdi (projekt)/Graham Phantom B-44/Oracle/SME 345 Mørch UP-4 og DP-6/Cartridge Man Conductor/BlueNote U-3 (projekt)/Nottingham Analogue Paragon 1 og 3/Roksan Artemiz (projekt)/Alphason HR-100S-MCS (projekt)/Audio Note Io-I/DaVinciAudio Labs Grand Reference Grandezza/Audio Note M5 Phono/Kondo CFz/Rossner & Sohn Canofer S/Sugden Masterclass AA/PurePower 1050/Stax SR-009 + diverse andre Stax-modeller og -drivere/Woo Audio GES/Keith Monks RCM (i dobbeltudgaven)/Nogle tusinde lp’er