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Dolby lancerer ægte 7.1 biolyd med Toy Story 3

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Dolby lancerer ægte 7.1 biolyd med Toy Story 3

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons mar 17, 2010 10:20

...og der går nok ikke længe inden vi ser det til hjemmebioen.
"At ShoWest 2010, Dolby Laboratories, Inc. announced it is working with
Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios to deliver a new audio
format, Dolby Surround 7.1. Disney and Pixar have stated that Dolby
Surround 7.1 will be launched in select theaters with the release of Toy Story 3 in
3D this June.

"For 40 years Dolby has not only provided content creators with the
tools to create a more realistic audio experience, but has also enabled
the exhibitor to deliver audiences the ability to experience the content
as the creator intended," said Page Haun, Senior Director, Marketing,
Cinema Market Segment, Dolby Laboratories. "The release of 'Toy Story 3'
in a discrete 7.1 mix will raise the bar for movie theatre owners and
their patrons."

Dolby Surround 7.1 brings a more exciting sensory experience to
audiences for 2D and gives content creators control over audio placement
in a theatre when mixing 3D movies. The ability to compose audio with
visual elements of 3D allows content creators to immerse the audience
deeper into the movie with dramatic realism.

Dolby Surround 7.1 provides content creators four surround zones to
better orchestrate audio channels in a movie theatre environment. The
four surround zones incorporate the traditional Left Surround and Right
Surround with new Back Surround Left and Back Surround Right zones. The
addition of the two Back Surround zones enhances directionality in
panning 360 degrees around the theatre.

Dolby Surround 7.1 format comprises 8 channels of audio and has the
following channel layout: Left, Center, Right, Low-Frequency Effects
(LFE), Left Surround, Right Surround, Back Surround Left (new), and Back
Surround Right (new). In order for exhibitors to deliver the new
format, Dolby will be providing Dolby Surround 7.1 playback capabilities
in the Dolby CP650 and Dolby CP750 digital cinema audio processor

At ShoWest, Dolby is demonstrating to exhibitors a discrete 7.1 mixed
demo reel of past Pixar movies to showcase the advanced audio solution.
After the show, exhibitors will be able to access the content to test
and demonstrate in their theaters."
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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