Resistance Is Futile
Der findes hifi skribenter af høj klasse, Art Dudley er en af dem.
Vi har haft fat i den før - men nu kan alle læse den.
Art isn't truth, it's freedom from truth. Well den køber jeg

macwerk skrev:An original work is inseparable from the time and the place of its making, and that applies to the concert hall performance as well. Yet the very act of recording a performance and playing it back at another place and another time defies that axiom, and reduces music to little more than sound—and most of whatever scraps of meaning that are left hanging on its bones are of the listener's own making.
Hvad med samtidskunst beregnet for reproduktion? Selv spørger han således:
And what about music that never existed live? What about Pet Sounds or Sgt. Pepper's? What about that goofy Cage piece with all the record players lined up on stage?
Og han svare med:
All of those experiences are worthy; all of them are legitimate. But their worth is removed from any concept of an "original performance," and now has at least as much to do with what the listener makes of it—relativism again.
Undervejs er jeg løbet ind i et problem: Hvis SES og jeg tog i koncerthuset for at se en 'original performance' ville vi ganske sikkert få et mindst lige så forskelligt udbytte af aftenen, som hvis var blevet hjemme foran reprodusatoren.
1000% enig. derfor er det jo lidt svært at forrestille sig at vi i den anden enden også kan blive enige om hvordan det skal lyder
Men der er måske bare mig, eller hur?
næ... hvis det er, er vi mindst 2![]()
There you go:
A moment of creation at one end of the line and a perversion of intent at the other.
macwerk skrev:An original work is inseparable from the time and the place of its making, and that applies to the concert hall performance as well. Yet the very act of recording a performance and playing it back at another place and another time defies that axiom, and reduces music to little more than sound—and most of whatever scraps of meaning that are left hanging on its bones are of the listener's own making.
Men der er måske bare mig, eller hur?
macwerk skrev:Jeg tror bare vi skal bringe vores frihed til fortolkning helt ud og lade være med at dele kunst op i original og reproduceret kunst?
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