http://www.stereophile.com/content/reco ... zXz5TUw.97
Class A rated:
Lehmann Decade: $2099 $$$
AD tends to prefer the sound, with an MC phono pickup, of a phono preamplifier plus an MC step-up transformer—yet was pleasantly surprised when he replaced both with the Lehmannaudio Decade. This two-chassis, solid-state phono stage offers adjustable input impedance and gain—the latter up to 66dB, for very low-output cartridges—and a switchable soft-rolloff filter. When substituted for both the CineMag Sky 30 transformer and the phono section of his Shindo Masseto preamplifier, the Decade presented AD with exceptional clarity, believable colors and textures, and "satisfying" force: "Yes, the Lehmannaudio preamp could be made even more explicitly forceful with the addition of a good transformer. . . . Considered on its own, the Lehmannaudio is easily the most impactful solid-state phono preamplifier I've ever experienced." (Vol.37 No.5 WWW)