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Radiohead video imod børnearbejde

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Radiohead video imod børnearbejde

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons maj 14, 2008 08:01

Hej. Faldt lige over denne:
En god sang bliver brugt til at sætte fokus på et meget vigtigt emne.

"All I Need", quite possibly the sexiest song Radiohead has ever written, just became a hell of a lot less sexy...and a lot more important. For the video for the In Rainbows standout, Radiohead has partnered with MTV's EXIT (endexploitation and trafficking) campaign to create a clip that raises awareness of issues of forced labor and abuse around the world.

The Hollywood Reporter (via that Thom Yorke lauded MTV for taking on such issues, given thefact that the network's hands aren't exactly clean. He said, "All power to MTV for taking this on because it's obviously going to be difficult for them in terms of the advertisers. If you talk about slave labor, then the issue of cheap goods from the East is all about that. With the ["All I Need"] video their lawyers had to beg to make sure there wasn't a single white [sneaker] with a logo on it because the implication would be a little too close. But the implication is still there. If [MTV] are able to break the taboo of enslavement and put it onto the agenda then its a good thing. If they get people to think in terms of
the profits we make in the West because of cheap labor, then that's a good thing.


Hands off the compression button music industry!
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