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Masterbånd-nyheder fra Analogy Records

Programmet for første halvdel af 2016 er nu på gaden

Reel-to-reel audiophilmærket Analogy Records annoncerer deres planer for første halvdel af 2016, med tre titler yderligere til deres  katalog, således at der nu er 12 albums tilgængelig på magnet bånd.

Andrea Celeste's "Kaleidoscope" er næste udgivelse, et intenst akustisk pop album optaget af den legendariske producer, den 24 dobbelte grammy vinder Al Schmitt.

"Suite For The Seagulls" er et meget specielt  jazz album, mødet mellem den norske artist Alf Wilhelm Lundberg and og hans "Norchestra" og den klassiske italienske GNU Quartet.

Endelig "Between Earth and Heaven" som det første moderne klassiske album fra Analogy Records, den internationale pianoduo Biondi-Brunialti leder albummet på en springtur mellem ”percussions and brass”.
Analogy Records leverer produktion af originale Master Tapes: i stedet for at kopiere eksisterende optagelser producere vi vores egen direkte fra vores eget studie (Zerodieci Studio) der er fuldt integreret og en del af vores mærke, er der ingen kopier, kun originaler for at sikre den absolut bedste lytteoplevelse.

Her er ordene fra Roberto Vigo, Analogy Records grundlægger, chefproducer og direktør:

"The goal of all my recordings has always been the highest quality, as well as the care in microphone techniques, the creativity in mixing, the emotion that a song can arise in the listener.
In an era when the way of listening music is getting worse and worse because of the use of some codecs that lower quality, I've felt the urge to produce artists and albums for a refined and demanding audience, who pays attention to details and nuances, by using the best available analog media: the magnetic tape.
Over the last two years we have worked on countless aspects: the concept; the exclusive, unmistakable design of our aluminium flanges; the handmade boxes… We have performed technical tests, created a considerable number of prototypes, forged partnerships with major companies and small craftsmen alike.

Now we are ready to offer you new music, where art and pure recording techniques blend together to create a perfect synergy; a music made of emotions and of the finest acoustic details, and filled with all our passion, care, and enthusiasm.
We're Analogy Records".

For yderligere information, kontakt
Analogy Records


