Ifølge audioholics er kampen allerede tabt.
En fin artikel fra audioholics med 10 gode argumenter på hvorfor han mener at hverken HD-DVD eller Bluray vil nå masse markedet. Rent faktisk har han allerede slået sømmet i kisten. Et lille udsnit fra artiklen: HD DVD and Blu-ray are NOT Quantum Leaps in Technology Consumers came over in droves when CDs were released back in 1982. The new format offered not only a new digital media, but also a way to instantly access tracks across an entire “album”. Convenience, not technology, drove this format to almost instant consumer adoption. Fast forward a bit to 1997 when the first DVD player was released. Again, convenience, not technology, drove people to the market en masse. Unlike VHS tapes, the new DVD format was smaller, easily navigated and would not wear down over time like existing tape-based formats. Heck, the concept of a shiny plastic disc was new – and quite frankly, it was the coolest thing to hit the technological shelf since solid state technology. In comparison, the high definition DVD formats, save the color of the business side of the disc, look exactly the same… and consumer confusion will surely follow.