Ja kredsløbene skal stimuleres med musik, for at blive indspillet

Fandt lige dette da jeg læste en review af Amr dp-777
Burn-In Tips (How to make fast and effective burn-in)
1. Input: One needs to have a signal input during burn-in. Just turning on the equipment without putting a signal through it is not as good. The equipment needs to burn in with both AC and DC signals. Putting a music signal through will ensure there are AC voltages going through the circuit, not just DC voltages.
2. Output:One needs to put a load to the output. So for burning-in DACs, one needs to connect it to the Pre-Amp; for burning-in Pre-Amp, one needs to connect it to the Power-Amp; for burning-in Power Amps, one needs to connect it to the speakers and so on.
3. No need to listen to it (but need to have music signal). How? For example, if you are burning-in a DAC, have it connected to the Pre-Amp is sufficient, no need to turn the Power-Amp ON, or you can listen to something else (e.g. LP) while burning in the DAC.
4. Tube gears usually need longer burn-in time than solid stage gears. Audiophile capacitors will need longer burn-in time than surface mounted (SMD) capacitors; even cables needs burn-in. Most stuff in High-End needs burn-in, except speaker spikes I guess

5. Burning-in speakers are the most painful as they really need to have sufficient sound level output. Bookshelf speakers are easier to handle. Let the speakers face each other with 1cm gap in between, then reverse ONE speaker’s polarity (so their respective sound output will cancel each other out by a large extend), finally put a blanket over the speakers and blast away.
That’s all for now, happy burning-in!