stridsvognen skrev:Hvorfor ikke oprette en citat tråd for dem uden egne erfaringer og meninger.
Som har stort behov for at læse sig til slutresultatet, fra en person de ikke aldrig har mødt eller hvis system de aldrig har hørt.
Mr.Avantgarde skrev:Et indlæg fra Audiogon, der er ganske interessant, og som jeg faktisk deler langt hen ad vejen: ... 21&4&&st50
"I haven't had the budget to try a lot of different cartridges, but the MCs that I have tried (Koetsu Black, Denon 301, Clearaudio), left me decidedly underwhelmed. I could never figure out why a moving coil is the standard for high-end cartridge design.
I'm using a Grado Prestige Silver right now, which has the dymanics and musical coherance that I just don't hear with the MCs that I've heard."
Janils skrev:Her spiller Eagles.
Tidligere var det via Ortofon Rondo Bronze, MC 5000 eller Sumiko Palo Santos. Nu er der en MM på! Stanton LZ9S - low output MM, som spiller fremragende.
Hvad der er bedst? .... musikken.
Hvis nogen skulle være interesseret i en LZ9S så kig på min hjemmeside (ingen annoncer her).
Mr.Avantgarde skrev:
Right now not only we can buy " old " MM cartridges ( second hand or NOS ) but we can buy several different today MM designs: Ortofon, Audio Technica, Grado, Reson, Goldring, Rega, Sounsmith, Music Maker, Shelter, Garrot, Shure, Nagaoka, Clearaudio, etc, etc."
Her redegøres for, at MM er forsøgt sat i skammekrogen af industrien selv bl.a. og støtter mine synspunkter generelt.
Bevensee skrev:Mr.Avantgarde skrev:
Right now not only we can buy " old " MM cartridges ( second hand or NOS ) but we can buy several different today MM designs: Ortofon, Audio Technica, Grado, Reson, Goldring, Rega, Sounsmith, Music Maker, Shelter, Garrot, Shure, Nagaoka, Clearaudio, etc, etc."
Her redegøres for, at MM er forsøgt sat i skammekrogen af industrien selv bl.a. og støtter mine synspunkter generelt.
Undskyld mig, men som jeg læser det skriver han da netop, at man i dag kan købe adskillige MM'er. Hvordan det kan tolkes, som at industrien sætter MM i skammekrogen går over min forstand.
Mr.Avantgarde skrev:Her er et væsentligt uddrag fra tråden på Audiogon:
"In reallity what I'm sharing to other people it is not to forget about MC cartridges in favor of MM ones, what I try to do it is that the people can know that the MM alternative is a very high quality performance alternative to the MC one.
Each of these different designs ( MC and MM ) have its own merits and its overall music sound reproduction " presentation " is different but on both designs we can find what we are looking for.
Many of us that for many years are hearing only MC cartridges really think that it is the best way to go about analog quality performance, well it is not the MM " road " is a very nice one too with a lot of " rewards " where the MC ones are a little short.
The high end audio industry is so " special " ( i don't have the right word. ) that many of the phono stage manufacturers don't even " swing his head " to the MM designs, for many of them the MM does not exist and that's why many phono stages are only for MC cartridges and the ones that have it are impedance inflexible: stop at 47-50K and almost no one goes to 100 Kohms that it is a must with MM cartridges, this is the real analog audio world where we live, it is a shame about.
Some people think that the MM alternative is a " dinosaur ", something that disappear many years ago, something that many of them try it in " those " times and that think are not up to the task today.
This kind of way of think is taking away to these people the great opportunity to enjoy the music in a top diffrent quality performance that the MC ones can't match.
To these people I want to tell that with their today audio systems the MM alternative can/could be shine, what they heard on those all times has nothing to do for ( with the same MM cartridges ) what they can hear today due to the huge quality improvement sound reproduction all of them achieve on their today home audio systems.
Right now not only we can buy " old " MM cartridges ( second hand or NOS ) but we can buy several different today MM designs: Ortofon, Audio Technica, Grado, Reson, Goldring, Rega, Sounsmith, Music Maker, Shelter, Garrot, Shure, Nagaoka, Clearaudio, etc, etc."
Her redegøres for, at MM er forsøgt sat i skammekrogen af industrien selv bl.a. og støtter mine synspunkter generelt.
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