Det var sgu et fedt band dengang.......
Henne om hjørnet nede i kælderen blir man udsat for mange fristelser. Også denne som man jo har på alm. god vinyl - fristelsen blir for stor.
1. lyt - ok - da ret god. En mistanke blir bekræftet nye rør? Yep - nu spiller det igen.
Så nu varmer vi op til Mozart kl 2000 på p2.
DEN ER DYR MEN PENGENE VÆRD. Steve Ray fans må ikke springe over, nu er det nødvendigt at købe det analoge setup Vi andre glæder os også.
Pure Pleasure er fortjent årets plademærke i HIFI+.
Denne cellist har vundet vore hjerter med Shostakovich og Thaikowsky.
Så denne melodiøse Thaikowsky skive måtte scores. Meget romantisk og dejligt cellospil
Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op.33
Nocturne in D Minor, Op.19, No.4
Andante Cantabile in D Major
Moscow Chamber Orchestra/ Constantine Orbelian
“…Kniazev is an artist who possesses great musicality, an original turn of mind and a formidably accomplished technique.” (BBC Music Magazine)
This is Warner Classics’ third recording with the gifted Russian cellist, Alexander Kniazev. Admitted to the Moscow Conservatory in 1979, Kniazev also learned to play the organ at the Nijny Novgorod Conservatory. He won top prizes as a cellist at competitions in Vilnius and Pretoria and in the Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow. In addition to his solo career, Kniazev has been a professor at the Moscow Conservatory since 1995. A gifted chamber music player, he loves performing with his friends, particularly Vadim Repin, Laurent Korcia, Dmitri Makhtin, Boris Berezovsky, Brigitte Engerer and Nikolai Lugansky. Kniazev plays a cello belonging to the Russian State Collection that used to belong to Gregor Piatigorsky. His recordings of the complete Bach Cello Suites and Rachmaninov and Shostakovich Trios with Boris Berezovsky and Dmitri Makhtin have been highly acclaimed.
The Variations on a Rococo Theme are one of three important sets of variations by Tchaikovsky. Along with his Violin Concerto and two completed piano concertos, they are also among his most substantial works for solo instrument and orchestra. Composed in 1876, the Variations with their “Rococo” theme, hark back to music of the past, evoking 18th-century elegance and refinement, and particularly the world of Mozart. Tchaikovsky composed the work for Wilhelm Fitzenhagen, a German virtuoso who joined the Moscow Conservatory in 1870 and become his friend and professional ally. Fitzenhagen premiered the work in 1877 and edited the score for publication.
The Andante cantabile began life as the second movement of Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet No. 1, composed early in 1871. The Quartet was the first of Tchaikovsky’s works to become truly popular, largely because of this movement, which is based on a folksong. It soon appeared in many arrangements, some authorised by the composer and others not. Tchaikovsky made his own arrangement for cello and strings in the mid-1880s at Fitzenhagen’s request. Another arrangement that Tchaikovsky made for Fitzenhagen was that of the Nocturne, the fourth of his Six Piano Pieces, op.19, composed in 1873.
Tchaikovsky’s 100-odd songs — including the arrangements in this recital, by Yevgeniy Stetsuk — cover his entire composing career, from his earliest publications to his last completed work, the Six Songs, op.73. He started by composing fashionable salon romances, which were popular with amateurs and also profitable. But his important songs achieved heights of expression and challenged their interpreters. A very personal part of his output, they cover a wide range of styles, from elegant lyrical romances, to folk stylisations, dramatic scenes, sharp insights into everyday life, moments of tragedy, exultation and meditation. Most provide insights into the various aspects of love.
Warner Classics 2564620612
Henne om hjørnet nede i kælderen, pas på der er vinylMuddy Waters pianoman. Pludselig er der 3 Spann plader i huset, så nu er han langt om længe ordenligt repræsenteret. Robert Lockwood er med her og der.
Magic Slim, en travelling bluesman herligt indfanget. De 3 (Jazz Gillum, Arbee Stitham) har haft det sjovt. Det er mennesker der her laver musik til deres lyttere.
Pure Pleasure hedder pladeselskabet, og de lever op til navnet. Nat Hentoff som må være denne klodes jazzprofet har produceret de to Candid's. .
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Har lige fået den ind ad døren og om to split-sekunder står jeg ude i køkkenet og laver wok-mad mens jeg lytter...
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