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Hvad hører du nu ?

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Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf gurdet » man nov 03, 2014 23:31

Americana med en god stemme og en cello i centrum og sange om djævelen og om whisky:

Murder by Death: In Bocca al Lupo (2006)
Rummelighed. Empati. La Resistance.
Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf ZIG » tirs nov 04, 2014 09:59


Ingen videre forklaring nødvendig.

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf ZIG » tirs nov 04, 2014 10:58

Var nødt til lige at slå denne plade op.....og læste følgende i iTunes.

There's something about the idea of the Old West -- the lawlessness, the dry, dusty landscape, perhaps -- that appeals to the sinner in everyone (it's no coincidence that Vegas is in the desert), something seen and reflected in John Ford movies or Ennio Morricone film scores. Maybe it's all the empty space, or maybe it's the heat that seems to make people forget about civility and resort to more carnal emotion to settle things. It's exactly these ideas that Murder by Death chose to explore in their outlaw country-inspired In Bocca al Lupo. The title, an Italian idiom for "good luck" (literally "in the mouth of the wolf," to which the enthusiastic response is "crepi," or "kill it"), is perhaps used broadly as a reference to the original language of The Divine Comedy, from which the album seems to be loosely based. It's not that the band reworks the story; rather, it's as if they use characters and ideas from it as inspiration in creating their own work. Which characters exactly, it's not quite clear, but each song has its own story of death or regret, with singer Adam Turla changing his voice to match the feel of each. And to make it even better, stronger, more provocative, everything's placed in a kind of spaghetti Western setting, with strong rolling drums, a sultry tango-esque cello, and Johnny Cash vocals that all sound simply fantastic together. You can practically hear Satan dancing between the strings and the castanets in "One More Notch," and the cold-blooded murder outlined in "Dynamite Mine," with its warning, "Son, cover your ears/Lord, how that blast will ring," is wonderfully chilling. But it's the later tracks, the ones that begin to express remorse for actions done, to progress toward possible salvation, that are even more affecting. "The Big Sleep," the only song that clearly alludes to The Divine Comedy -- "The bailiff leads me back to my cell/Like the riverman ferrying me to Hell" -- is both touching and ominous with its Book of Revelations trumpets, and by the time the haunting "Shiola," which toys with the idea of memory and death and on which Turla sounds unnervingly like the Man in Black, comes around, the only crime that's committed is stealing "a look." It's not complete redemption (although the album does end with the very uplifting "There's still time to start again" refrain), but there's still hope to move past transgressions and find something else, something outside of the harsh, arid climes at hand.

Tjah..... :D / :shock:

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Kristian » tirs nov 04, 2014 11:01

ahh Zig, den er dritttt kedelig (amused t d) og det er ikke vinterdepression  :D

Er alligevel lidt depressed da DownHill perioden er næsten færdig i år

hører Lifun med Trubrot

Gammelt hippie pop/rock fra Island
Fusionerings process
(Gizmo * Zig^-1) = mo
Rebirth process
And the new Dr.Gizmo now call him self The Dr.Zigmo!
I'm a Zigmolationist!
Indlæg: 1430
Tilmeldt: søn okt 23, 2005 11:30

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf gurdet » tirs nov 04, 2014 11:31

Er jeg under angreb...?
Tjah...jeg kan godt lide det

(Sædvanligvis er de et fuldt orkester)
Senest rettet af gurdet tirs nov 04, 2014 11:50, rettet i alt 2 gange.
Rummelighed. Empati. La Resistance.
Indlæg: 1581
Tilmeldt: søn jan 22, 2006 14:22
Geografisk sted: københavn

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf boydk » tirs nov 04, 2014 11:31

Kristian skrev:ahh Zig, den er dritttt kedelig (amused t d) og det er ikke vinterdepression  :D

Er alligevel lidt depressed da DownHill perioden er næsten færdig i år

hører Lifun med Trubrot

Gammelt hippie pop/rock fra Island

Sjovt som smag og behag er forskellige, Amused To Death er en vidunderlig plade 8)
Turntable: FFYX DIY Kit
Tonearm: STAX UA-9 & Jelco SA-750L
Cartridge: Ikeda 9TS, Sumiko Palo Santos Presentation, Shure V15-IV MR, Goldring 920IGC/Jico-SAS, SAEC-C1, Ortofon Rondo Bronze, Ortofon Jubilee, ZYX Ultimate 100.
Degritter Ultrasonic Record Cleaner.
Stepup: DIY Silk Audio MC220-A, DIY Cinemag 1254, DIY Sowter 9570 PC-OCC
Preamp: Vincent SA-T7
Riaa: DIY Pass Labs X-Ono clone
CD/SACD/DVD-A drive: Oppo BDP-93EU
Dac: DIY AK-4399-6N16B-V out
Poweramp: 2 x Advance Acoustic MAA-1000
Speaker: Magneplanar MG3.6/R
Cable: Cardas Hexlink Tonearm connect, Cardas Hexlink RCA, DIY IBM Token Ring + Albedo Pure Silver som signalkabel. VdH Magnum Hybrid til HT.
Indlæg: 721
Tilmeldt: fre okt 19, 2012 08:02
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf ZIG » tirs nov 04, 2014 15:00


Er jeg under angreb...?

Ikke fra mig.


ahh Zig, den er dritttt kedelig (amused t d) og det er ikke vinterdepression


Lytter til denne igen.


Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Ney » tirs nov 04, 2014 16:40

Havde behov for lidt kant, så der røg lidt tysk goth-elektro-rock på anlægget.

Mvh. Bjørn

B&W 804 Diamond
Wyred4Sound Dac2
Vincent SP-998
Indlæg: 240
Tilmeldt: søn nov 11, 2007 16:38

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Medlem » tirs nov 04, 2014 18:39

Maria João Pires - dejlig klavermusik.

Maria João Pires.jpg
Maria João Pires.jpg (28.86 KiB) Vist 6544 gange
Indlæg: 1369
Tilmeldt: lør jan 28, 2006 21:32
Geografisk sted: Nordsjælland

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Draagmad » tirs nov 04, 2014 19:19

Tre skønne kvinder på programmet i aften.

Dertil et godt glas sherry eller to.

God aften!
Indlæg: 122
Tilmeldt: søn aug 18, 2013 10:11
Geografisk sted: Østjylland

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Medlem » tirs nov 04, 2014 19:28

Tine Rehling / Mikkel Nordsø "Duo". Smukt og ren sjælefred.

Nords-Rehling2-300x298.jpg (24.21 KiB) Vist 6530 gange
Indlæg: 1369
Tilmeldt: lør jan 28, 2006 21:32
Geografisk sted: Nordsjælland

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf ZIG » tirs nov 04, 2014 19:42


Nu er jeg ikke så meget til kvindelige vokalister (kun Joni faktisk) - men et glas sherry eller port.

Det er da civiliseret.

Venter på et nyt kabel, der først kommer i morgen.....så i aften er der tavshed og en go' bog med en kop the.

Kan vildt godt anbefales....

Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Medlem » tirs nov 04, 2014 20:11

Ja, jeg kan nu lide ret mange kvinder, kvindelige sangerinder.

Hende her bliver jeg aldrig træt af:

(Puha, en lækker lyd der er som bonus...)

Kate_Bush_Director's_Cut.jpg (19.47 KiB) Vist 6509 gange
Indlæg: 1369
Tilmeldt: lør jan 28, 2006 21:32
Geografisk sted: Nordsjælland

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf Draagmad » tirs nov 04, 2014 20:46

ZIG skrev:Det er da civiliseret.

Civiliseret eller ej ... det smager dejligt.
Indlæg: 122
Tilmeldt: søn aug 18, 2013 10:11
Geografisk sted: Østjylland

Re: Hvad hører du nu ?

Indlægaf ZIG » tirs nov 04, 2014 21:00


Civiliseret eller ej ... det smager dejligt.


Det minder mig om et citat fra en James Bond bog......

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. But three times - that is enemy action.


Maybe I can do things with your data...
Indlæg: 1955
Tilmeldt: lør jun 09, 2007 16:04
Geografisk sted: Århus


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