„Audiovector, Just would list“ are
the slogan of the renowned Lautsprechermanufaktur in Copenhagen,
Denmark. Of this slogan one can be able personal to be
In the spring the team received this yearly from JBS
Heimkino southwest an invitation from the German exclusive
distribution image of selling GmbH (closer information under http://www.kinozuhause.de) for the
attendance of the manufacturing plants from Audiovector in Copenhagen.
Thank you applies here only once Michael reading field and
Bjoern Rutz of image, which took over the Germany selling.
The invitation made curious, since already in the apron
the exzellenten klanglichen characteristics us demonstrated system
from the Mi3-Serie impressed us.
Now we wanted to see nevertheless and hear above all,
which potential behind this still mark almost unknown in Germany puts.
When first must is mentioned that it concerns a small
exclusive enterprise, which is considered on it, not mass, to supply
but quality. We were fetched personally from Ole Klifoth
(Managing Director) and Peter Stenberg (Sales Director) at the station
into Copenhagen and driven into the work. Here us in two days
the entire product range as well as the manufacturing and the
Upgradekonzept were demonstrated. Very competently and
transparency introduced us Ole to the secrets of its enterprise.

Ole Klifoth describes the Upgrade concept

A battle ship in threw. AudioVector SI 6C
center briefly vorm launching of a vessel.
Behind it AudioVector k-Sub in series
Since the mark Audiovector is still quite unknown
in Germany, we would like to present it here once with our words:
The k-series

The k-series stands for the entrance class in the
house Audiovector and represents the youngest child in the product
range. It is the result from the experiences, which gained the
renowned box manufacturers in the course of the years within the High
end range.
The k-series stands for a very compactly designed
loudspeaker series, which was developed particularly for the home
cinema integration. With the K3 acts it around a very slim
condition loudspeaker and with the K1 around a compact „shelf loudspeaker“. Whereby the K1 also
particularly elegantly on separated the available condition columns
from same house in feature steps.
One differentiates the K1 and also the K3 into the models „basis“ and „super“. The slim form of the condition loudspeakers
emisleads about capability characteristics, because one is surprised,
which dynamics are hidden actually in them. The secret hides
itself on the inside: The housing is developed there like a horn
and leads the energy strengthened to a large opening in the base of
the column, where it is radiated in all directions to achieve a
clevere solution around a dynamic improvement.

Naturally it gives also to this series, as well as for the
following series, differently co-ordinated Subwoofer as well as center
loudspeakers to the selection, which are not continued to mention
here from space reasons.
The Audiovector K-X is a dipole loudspeaker, which is
particularly compactly developed and was adapted klanglich at the K1
and K3. The loudspeaker can be used both and dipole and and
direct emitters, ever after like one attaches it. The K-X can be
combined also with Mi the series. Flat held the K-X can be used
by its very building method in the best way for an inconspicuous
All loudspeakers in the k-series are by the way apart from
the traditional wood tones, as well as in black and silver, also in
radiating white available, whereby they can be integrated still better
into the living range.
Mi the series

Mi 3 the series represents „the
concerning the price centre zone“ of Audiovector and is
modular developed. It is divided into Mi 3 for condition boxes
as well as Mi 1 the series for „shelf boxes“.
Is referred also here to the graceful designed condition columns
for Mi the 1. The moreover one the series is divided into
different models, begun with the basis model, over „the super“ to „the
Signature“, up to the top model „avant-garde“ with air Motion Hochtoener.
And now a characteristic comes with Audiovector, it calls
itself the IUC concept (individual
Upgrade Concept). The loudspeakers can grow with the
requirements of its owner. So the proud buyer of a loudspeaker
from Mi the series can decide also still after years for a model with
high order from this series, without having to sell its past box
involving a loss. One decides for a higher model and brings its
past boxes to its Audiovector dealer, where they are converted in the
desired model. For this almost all parts up to the housing are
exchanged. With the purchase one had to sell thus the certainty
that one, if one liked can be always on the newest conditions, without
its past acquisition with loss. This is a outstanding and
concept for the prospective customer, price-conscious first of all.
A further characteristic with the Mi 3 series is SECONDS the system (sound days
Enhancement Concept), which improves the high clay/tone rendition
noticeably. The klangbild thereby almost solved from the boxes.
Voices during music rendition are accurately locatable, also
without one on the ideal (hausherr -) seating position is. Here
applies times again: Just would list!
Now we come to the "cream cuts"...
The audio Vector SI 6-Serie

SI 6 stands for the technically feasible in the
house Audiovector and is as High ending to be regarded, what many
successful test results in the Scandinavian area confirm.
SI 6 series builds itself from the models Signature up, avant-garde and as a top model avant-garde Arretè . Also in this
series with Mi series the described IUC concept applies (individual
Upgrade Concept).

The Design of S 6 is successful as very to regard.
Here one particularly sees the love for the detail. The
result is a outstanding sounding loudspeaker with extremely pleasing
Design. This series satisfied absolutely lifted requirements and
places an exclusive mark with all its abilities in the right light.
Also the centers of this high-quality series like the
condition boxes in a very graceful designed rounded off housing and is
a true eye pasture is held.
Further details over this interesting mark receive you
with the Germany selling under the following InterNet address:
One are safe: Audiovector will find many
friends also in Germany still!
The enterprise JBS home cinema southwest approximately
around Joerg Michels sees this mark as if secrettap on. The
k-series as well as Mi 3 the super can be experienced immediately in
our house in Bernkastel Kues to the beautiful „Mosel“ . Faithfully the slogan: Just lists!
JBS Heimkino southwest
Its Joerg Michels

Address: |
Managing director Joerg Michels
Friedrichstrasse 12
54470 Bernkastel Kues |
Telephone: |
Tel: 06531/94449
Fax: 06531/91305
Mobilely: 0171/3242826 |
E-Mail: |
Web page: |
www.jbs heimkino.de |