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Marathon 'Runner' 26/5/06
WB preps 'final cut' of sci-fi classic
Warner homevid has disentangled "Blade Runner's" famously thorny rights
issues to pave the way for a September reissuereissue of the remastered
"Director's Cut" version, followed by a theatrical release of a version
promised to be truly Ridley ScottRidley Scott's final cut.
Warner's rights to "Blade Runner" lapsed a year ago, but the studio
has since negotiated a long-term license. The pic, now considered a
sci-fi classic, has had a troubled history from the start: When Scott
ran overbudget, completion bond guarantors took control of it and made
substantial changes before its 1982 theatrical release, adding a
voiceovervoiceover and happy ending. That version was replaced by the
much better-received director's cut in 1992, but Scott has long been
unhappy with it, complaining that he was rushed and unable to give it
proper attention.
The helmer started working on the final cut version in 2000, but
that project was shelved by Warner soon after, apparently because the
studio couldn't come to terms with Jerry Perenchio over rights issues.
The restored "Director's Cut" will debut on homevid in September,
and remain on sale for four months only, after which time it will be
placed on moratorium. "Blade Runner: Final Cut" will arrive in 2007 for
a limited 25th anniversary theatrical run, followed by a special
edition DVD with the three previous versions offered as alternate
viewing: Besides the original theatrical version and director's cut,
the expanded international theatrical cut will be included. The set
will also contain additional bonus materials.
The massive "Blade Runner" project comes on the heels of Scott's
four-disc treatment for "Kingdom of Heaven," released this week by Fox
homevid, less than a year after the pic's initial homevid release.
Credit: Variety.com
Godt nok skal man så købe den to gange, men min skal hjem i september. Har ventet såååå længe på en ordenlig version!
Lad os så håbe at det faktisk sker denne gang!