Jeg faldt over denne tråd i nat, og har som distributør af Aliante One valgt at kontakte konstruktøren Guiseppe Prado for at få en kommentar.
Jeg vil lige sige at jeg har aldrig sat spørgsmålstegn ved højttalernes frekvensgang, og der er heller ingen af mine kunder der har hentydet til problemer med dette. så vi er åbenbart nogel stykker der ikke kan høre, eller også er det fordi vi lytter noget længere væk, end 1 meter som målingerne er foreteget ved. Men derfor skal i da have lov at have jeres formodninger og meninger, men her er altså konstruktørens:
Dear Michael,
the measurements are absolutely as we could expect. This comes from a non-conventional approach to filtering that unfortunately don't match well with traditional measuring methods. In the years, after more and more confirmations of inutility of traditional measurements, we have learn to simply ignore them. If you want to make a measurement from the standard set confirming that no dip in frequency response is present, please try in room response 1/3 octave, placing the micro at least at 2 m from speakers. More, similar results you should have measuring every model from Aliante production. As a result, we have a very natural sound emission and a superb imaging, with the speakers easily disappearing from their real location and recreating a realistic virtual soundstage.
Sorry but I can't give more informations because there is years of work behind that.
Best regards.