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hvorfor ikke MP3

Rumkorrektion, akustik, jitter, ren strøm m.m.

Indlægaf Karsten@StudioSound » man dec 05, 2005 16:35

Jeg saksede lige det her fra Audiocircle, egentligt meget interessant og stof til eftertanke:

I am reminded of an experiment done in the very early days of digital in response to comments that CDs lacked the "air" and high frequency detail that vinyl replay possessed.
The surface noise of a vinyl disc playing a silent (unmodulated) track was added to the relatively noise-free digital recording. I believe the same was done using white noise.
The general reaction to the combination of musical signal and noise was that now there was more detail and air to the sound and it was actually preferred. I heard this around 1986.
This would tie in perfectly with the notion of a very clean tweeter being perceived as having a slightly rolled-off top.
A similar thing happens at the bass end; a speaker with clean bass end, that is, with less overhang, or able to stop faster, will be perceived as being bass shy in contrast to another that has the same measured response to steady state tones but more overhang. Same amount of bass program content, but in the latter case more noise added at similar frequencies equates to the sensation of more bass, it's just that in both cases (HF and LF) what is added is noise - it's just not perceived as such.

Indlæg: 272
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 25, 2005 14:58
Geografisk sted: Nordsjælland

Indlægaf Jonas Bojer » man dec 05, 2005 19:52


Jeg er lige glad hvad det hedder men så længe ingen MP3 eller computer slår min kilde så skifter jeg ikke.

Jeg har prøvet med MP3 digitalt overført fra PC til anlæg med alle mulige kabelløsninger og lydkort.

Jeg ved ikke hvorfor MP3 ikke fungere måske det er komprimeret for meget ? men musikken og sjælen forsvinder det er sikkert og vist.

Spiller anlægget musik med sjæl og melodi så er HIFI'en også altid iorden men jeg har tit hørt HIFI "rigitge" anlæg som ikke spille musik  :roll:

Hilsen Jonas Bojer
Jonas Bojer
Indlæg: 1382
Tilmeldt: man okt 24, 2005 11:31
Geografisk sted: Odder

Indlægaf 3DX » man dec 05, 2005 21:48

Karsten@StudioSound skrev:Jeg saksede lige det her fra Audiocircle, egentligt meget interessant og stof til eftertanke:

I am reminded of an experiment done in the very early days of digital in response to comments that CDs lacked the "air" and high frequency detail that vinyl replay possessed.
The surface noise of a vinyl disc playing a silent (unmodulated) track was added to the relatively noise-free digital recording. I believe the same was done using white noise.
The general reaction to the combination of musical signal and noise was that now there was more detail and air to the sound and it was actually preferred. I heard this around 1986.
This would tie in perfectly with the notion of a very clean tweeter being perceived as having a slightly rolled-off top.
A similar thing happens at the bass end; a speaker with clean bass end, that is, with less overhang, or able to stop faster, will be perceived as being bass shy in contrast to another that has the same measured response to steady state tones but more overhang. Same amount of bass program content, but in the latter case more noise added at similar frequencies equates to the sensation of more bass, it's just that in both cases (HF and LF) what is added is noise - it's just not perceived as such.


det viser jo smukt det samme som Ipod og Wilson episoden,
vi er meget lette at nare, og har det bedst med at vide hvad vi skal syntes inden vi tager stilling.
Q skal ikke være højt eller lavt! det skal være korrekt.
citat, Knud Thorborg
Indlæg: 2441
Tilmeldt: tors nov 03, 2005 11:37
Geografisk sted: ht ing. :-)

Indlægaf 3DX » man dec 05, 2005 21:50

jeg spørg lige lidt mere direket.

der findes ikke cd/lp der er så ringe at de ikke kan spilles på et anlæg.

der findes ingen MP3 der er så godt at det kan spille på en anlæg.
Q skal ikke være højt eller lavt! det skal være korrekt.
citat, Knud Thorborg
Indlæg: 2441
Tilmeldt: tors nov 03, 2005 11:37
Geografisk sted: ht ing. :-)


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