Det er mig altid en glæde når et dansk firma får en god test i udlandet. Specielt når det er et ungt firma der stadig kæmper for en plads på verdensmarkedet, det minder mig om dengang jeg var ung, havde hår på hovedet, og på 11 mdr kørte 68.000 km for at besøge distributører i Europa.
Kibri Naima er testet i det nye nummer af Hi-Fi World, et efter min erfaring yderst kompetent magasin, og Adam Smith giver den da også et væld af roser i testen, sætninger som:
” gosh what an image it is! I can put hand firmly onto heart and say with absolute certainty that I have never before heard such a stable, wide and utterly vast image from any loudspeaker with such compact dimensions. If you really want a room full of soundstage but without the corresponding room full of loudspeaker, then you absolutely must give the Naimas a try.”
“With virtually any sort of music, the Naimas act almost like an audio projection device, putting you firmly into the middle of the action from your CDs and LPs and telling you exactly what was going on in the studio when they were recorded.”
“Naimas picked upon absolutely every last little inflection from every single instrument. People talk about “hearing a pin drop”- if this had happened during the recording, the Kibris would have told you exactly where, how high it fell from, and which way it landed.
Testen fortsætter på den måde med det ene superlative efter det andet, slutter med ordene “a truly excellent, characterful and interesting loudspeaker – I’m angling to try and hang on to them…”
Og endeligt efter at have rated For og Imod:
- vast soundstage
- clarity and detail
- uniformity of performance
- compactness
- nothing at the price
slutter med at give Kibri full house (5 Globes af 5 mulige).
Jeg glæder mig til at lægge ører til den på weekendens HiFi & Surround 2007 messe i København.