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Indlægaf zerocool » tors jan 03, 2008 10:17

Hawkster skrev:hejsa, S/P-DIF-indgangen som du skriver er udgang på grafikkortet.
Så derfor er det ikke muligt at sætte op som du skriver.
Er du helt sikker på, at det er tilfældet? Konsulterer man spec sheetet for kortet, angives det medfølgende coax-kabel, som værende til "HDMI Application".  
Billede filnavn: 2k9d9329ef4d.jpg
Herudover fortæller en hurtig google-søgning, at et andet kort fra Gainward, men fra samme generation og serie, skal sættes op på den af mig ovenfor angivede måde:
"This time around they have introduced a passively cooled 8600GT with one extra characteristic, an HDMI port. Unlike ‘normal’ cards, this one features four connectors on the back panel. There is one DVI - I, one D-SUB and one HDMI connector. The fourth one is and SPDIF connector, which is there to route the audio signal to the HDMI connector. You will need to connect the SPDIF connector from your motherboard to the graphics card, in order to have audio throughput over the HDMI port."
"It is just too expensive to have to put the SPDIF in and HDMI out connectors on all cards considering will probably never be used. Users that want HDMI will have to rely on products like these, which offer very good HTPC functionality. They are silent, good for occasional gaming, and have excellent HD video processing capabilities. Pair that with built in HDMI, you get a perfect candidate. This is up to date the perfect candidate for this usage, at least from NVIDIA’s camp. ATI cards have a built in sound processor, which helps them to overcome the one minus we would like to mention about this card, and that’s the SPDIF input, which is not compatible with all motherboards, at least not without a special adapter that isn’t very cheap."
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Indlæg: 1462
Tilmeldt: fre dec 30, 2005 23:18
Geografisk sted: Århus C

Indlægaf Hawkster » tors jan 03, 2008 13:51

Hejsa, den er nu sent tilbage og jeg har nu bestilt en
Sapphire Radeon HD 3850 512MB GDDR3, PCI-Express 2.0, Ultimate Edition, Full

Fordi den anden ikke virkede, var vist nok fordi mit bundkort ikke understøtter HDMI lyd til grafikkort



This is up to date the perfect candidate for this usage, at least from NVIDIA’s camp. ATI cards have a built in sound processor, which helps them to overcome the one minus we would like to mention about this card, and that’s the SPDIF input, which is not compatible with all motherboards, at least not without a special adapter that isn’t very cheap

Nyt medlem
Indlæg: 10
Tilmeldt: ons jan 02, 2008 19:21

Indlægaf zerocool » tors jan 03, 2008 23:06

Hawkster skrev:Fordi den anden ikke virkede, var vist nok fordi mit bundkort ikke understøtter HDMI lyd til grafikkort

Citatet fra

"This is up to date the perfect candidate for this usage, at least from NVIDIA’s camp. ATI cards have a built in sound processor, which helps them to overcome the one minus we would like to mention about this card, and that’s the SPDIF input, which is not compatible with all motherboards, at least not without a special adapter that isn’t very cheap"

Behandler ganske givet det forhold, hvor ens bund- eller lydkort alene er udstyret med optisk toslink, hvorfor der skal anvendes toslink til coax-adapter. Jeg kan ikke se andre grunde til, at et givent bundkort ikke skulle virke med Gainward BLISS 8600GT PCX HDMI SilentFX-kortet f.sva. spørgsmålet om hvorledes man sender lyd ud via HDMI.

Gør dig selv, og de andre brugere af forummet, den tjeneste at lære korrekt citatteknik.
Indlæg: 1462
Tilmeldt: fre dec 30, 2005 23:18
Geografisk sted: Århus C


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