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CES tråden.

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CES tråden.

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » søn jan 06, 2008 23:19

Der sker mange ting på CES i Las Vegas netop nu. CES er en kæmpe messe i Las Vegas for alt elektronik

Panasonic kommer også med nye Plasmaer og der ser meget interssante ud.
De er THX godkendt( hvad det så betyder?) og de har adgang til Picasa ( google ) og You Tube.
Jeg kan dog ikke se om de har WiFi nogle der ved det?

Jeg vil i løbet af ugen smider alle de spændende ting fra CES i denne tråd.

Panasonic PZ800 46-inch

Despite the fact that consumers and videophiles don't agree on a single preferred HDTV technology, Panasonic continues to cater to those who can't live without true blacks and accurate colors with five new lines of Plasmas. In an attempt to help you find just the right size for your setup, Panasonic
has added a 46-inch model to some of its lines including the flagship
PZ850. In addition to the 46-inch, the top of the line is available in
the; 50, 58 and 65-inch varieties. The 850 line is also the first to
include IP enabled features like YouTube and Picasa. Like a few other
high-end sets -- the PZ850 includes THX
display certification, easy access to ISF calibration settings,
30,000:1 contrast, RS-232C, and four HDMI ports. The PZ800 line
(pictured) has just about everything the 850 does with the exception of
the IP features and the addition of a 42-inch model. These aren't the
only options as Panasonic also has the PZ85, PZ80, and PX80 lines, but
other than they aren't as good as the 850 and 800, we're hard press to
tell them apart. All the new TVs are expected in the spring of 2008 at
a currently undisclosed price.

Den før omtalte tynde Pioneer plasma.

Der kommer nye Plasmaer fra Pioneer og de er godt nok tynde. Ligner jo næsten det OLED TV fra Sony.

You've seen it during our liveblog, now have at in product shots. Having successfully acquired countless awards, Pioneer's Kuro
line is now aiming to take being the thinnest, blackest flat panel on
the market to a whole new level. Today it unveiled "Project Kuro", a
50-inch plasma that it says is capable of displaying absolute black,
while also measuring a minuscule 9mm (0.35-inches) thick. Besides
making Hitachi's Ultra Thin 1.5-inch thick plasma
appear obese, the promise of an infinite contrast ratio would represent
a holy grail of PQ. This HDTV that can perfectly mimic a piece of art
hanging on the wall, is definitely not going on sale in 2008. Check out
the rest of the pictures of this HDTV after the break, this is the
closest you'll get to perfection for a while.


Og den nye net afspiller plus wifi fjernbetjening fra Squeezebox blev også annonceret på CES.
Senest rettet af Raskolnikov ons dec 31, 2008 12:59, rettet i alt 1 gang.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Nrik » søn jan 06, 2008 23:24

Har du ikke startet en tråd allerede?
Nå men så wauw  og wauw
Indlæg: 482
Tilmeldt: tors dec 01, 2005 23:29
Geografisk sted: København S

Indlægaf xo » man jan 07, 2008 00:05

Nrik skrev:Har du ikke startet en tråd allerede?
Nå men så wauw og wauw
Jeg syntes da Raskolnikovs indlæg er betydeligt mere informativt end det indholdstomme indlæg du kommer med der. Kom endelig med mere info R.
Indlæg: 1194
Tilmeldt: ons dec 06, 2006 11:47

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man jan 07, 2008 00:07

Nrik skrev:Har du ikke startet en tråd allerede?
Nå men så wauw  og wauw

Jo jeg klovner rundt. Sorry.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf ulrikmm » man jan 07, 2008 08:43

Så, tør kinderne, der skal efter min mening altid være plads til begejstring her på hjemmesiden. En CES 2008 tråd kommer man ikke udenom.
Indlæg: 569
Tilmeldt: søn sep 16, 2007 15:37

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man jan 07, 2008 11:49

.Var det noget med en kæmpe panorama skærm til din PC?

Eller den her DLP skærm der ser anderledes ud alt efter hvor man står:

Ny Blu Ray fra Panasonic der endda understøtter DTS MA og Profil 2.0, som skulle være den endelig udgave af Blu Ray.

Panasonic just introduced their new Blu-ray player, the DMP-BD50. Like
we heard at the press conference, BD-Live is getting rolled out across
the lineup and this unit has all the other goodies you'd expect in the
latest from Panasonic: Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD MA, PIP functionality and
the Viera-link functionality for control of multiple components through
a single remote. Video processing goes through the Unipher processor, a
combination of chroma and deinterlacing developed by Panasonic
Hollywood Laboratories. Last but not least, this player gets treated to
playback of SD-based media.

Lidt mere info:


DMP-BD50's Ethernet terminal is a gateway for Internet connection,
which paves the way to an entirely new form of movie-plus-Internet
entertainment. In the future, BD-Live users will be able to participate
in quizzes and challenge each other to interactive games that are
linked to bonus movie content on BD discs. BD-Live also supports other
interactive functions, such as Picture-in-Picture and Audio Mixing.

Interactive Functions


Picture-in-Picture, a small sub-window is displayed over the main
image. There are four examples of Picture-in-Picture modes, each
offering distinct functions. They include Enhanced Commentary,
Backstage Pass Function, Peek Behind The Animation and Audio Mixing.

Enhanced Commentary*

media goes considerably beyond the kind of audio commentary provided in
many DVD movies, such as a director discussing the film. Enhanced
Commentary makes it possible, for example, for the director or actors
to appear in the sub-window (as if they are standing in front of the
screen) and point to actors or equipment as they make their comments.

Backstage Pass Function*

lets you access additional information provided about people, places or
things in a BD movie. Use the remote control to select an element
highlighted on the screen, and a sub-window opens with the information.
For example, there could be notes about the clothing or accessories an
actor is wearing or the restaurant in which a scene is set.

Peek Behind The Animation*

playing back a movie with dubbed-in voices � for example, a
feature-length animation � this feature lets you watch in a sub-window
as the actors read their parts. You can see the actors' gestures and
expressions as they speak, giving you an inside look at a whole facet
of moviemaking you've never seen before.

Audio Mixing*

Audio Mixing function lets you choose which soundtrack to listen to:
the one from the content playing in the main window, the one from the
sub-window, or both at the same time. The sub-window soundtrack can
also be reproduced in 5.1-channel surround sound.

*Depending upon program contents.

Other BD-Live Possibilities

future is expected to bring a host of imaginative new features. For
example, the DMP-BD50 will be able to connect directly to the Internet
and download additional content from Websites to an SD Memory Card for
more viewing and playing enjoyment.


a PHL Reference Chroma Processor with advanced P4HD imaging technology,
Uniphier, the Precise Digital Video processor reproduces crisp, natural
colors that are extremely faithful to the original movie. The beautiful
images are complemented by an exceptionally pure, accurate sound
achieved through Audio Re-master and other leading-edge audio
technologies. Uniphier reflects the advanced encoding and authoring
technologies developed by Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory (PHL) in
collaboration with film industry professionals. With Uniphier at its
heart, the DMP-BD50 provides a level of image and sound quality that
meets Hollywood's stringent demands � so you experience movies just the
way they were meant to be experienced.

Precise Digital Video
PHL Reference Chroma Processor
PHL Reference Chroma Processor up-samples (4:2:0 to 4:2:2) the color
information in decoded video signals. Using proprietary Panasonic
technology, this innovative circuit faithfully reproduces the fine
details and nuances of Blu-ray video streams that have been recorded
with high quality image compression system. It generates images with
all the clarity and depth that BD-Video movies have to offer.

P4HD (Pixel Precision Progressive Processing for HD)
get the best HD images from a BD-Video disc, you need a player that
renders high-quality progressive images, expresses motion smoothly, and
draws sharp diagonal lines. The DMP-BD50's P4HD processes more than 15
billion pixels per second and applies the optimum processing to every
pixel in the video data on the disc. The result is images with
exceptional resolution.

Deep Color*
output is Deep Color compatible. While the earlier HDMI V.1.2 offers
8-bit, 256-step gradation on 4:4:4, HDMI V.1.3 enables video signals to
be sent on 12-bit, 4,096-step gradation at any format. This helps the
DMP-BD50 reproduce natural looking colors with smooth gradation and
minimal color banding.
*An HDMI� V.1.3 compatible TV is required.

Playback The DMP-BD50 provides 1080/24p output (via HDMI) for Blu-ray
titles and DVD titles. It reproduces movie images from a Blu-ray Disc
in their original 24p form, with no need for conversion.

Audio Format Decoding and Output The DMP-BD50 is equipped with decoders
for the high-quality, lossless Dolby® TrueHD and DDTS-HD Master Audio�
audio formats. These formats theoretically contain the information to
reproduce original sound sources in their entirety. Connection to an AV
amplifier with 7.1-channel input capability enables sound quality on
the level of a studio master system.

Audio Re-master for All Media
DMP-BD50's Audio Re-master function compensates for data lost in the
compression process used in BD and DVD recording. This helps create a
fuller, richer sound that is extremely faithful to the original. It
also brings re-mastering to the Blu-ray Disc for the first time ever.

HD Networking with SD Memory Card
DMP-BD50 comes equipped with a slot for SD Memory Cards. Just take the
SD Memory Card from your HD camcorder or digital still camera, and
you're ready to view high resolution photos and motion images on your

Linking with an HD Camcorder
The DMP-BD50 can play back
AVCHD-format images shot with an HD camcorder, such as the Panasonic
HDC-SD9. Images recorded onto the camcorder's SD Memory Card are output
directly from the DMP-BD50's HDMI terminal in their original,
high-quality 1920 x 1080 resolution. The DMP-BD50 also provides an
AVCHD Direct Navigator function that makes it easy to search for
particular scenes.

Linking with a Digital Camera The DMP-BD50
can play back JPEG still images on an SD Memory Card, such as those
recorded with a Lumix FZ3 digital camera. The DMP-BD50 can output the
images to 1920 x 1080 resolution � ideal for a full-HD TV � and output
them via the HDMI terminal*. Using the Slideshow playback feature, you
can play a music CD at the same time you're showing the photos, so
viewers enjoy both beautiful images and their favorite music.

Seamless GUI
Can Control Your Blu-ray Disc� Player with the TV Remote Control* When
the TV is on, the VIERA Link function lets you switch to home theater
mode using just the Panasonic VIERA TV's remote control unit. Simply
press the VIERA Link button on the TV's remote control and select "BD
Player" on the VIERA Link Menu screen. The BD player's menu will
display on the TV screen, and you can begin playback of a Blu-ray Disc
or select from the Blu-ray disc.
Flere billeder af Pioneers tynde skærm:
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man jan 07, 2008 12:29

Amerikanske Sterophile er også på pletten og der kommer snart noget her:
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Re: CES 2008 tråden.

Indlægaf speed six » man jan 07, 2008 15:49

Raskolnikov skrev:Der sker mange ting på CES i Las Vegas netop nu. CES er en kæmpe messe i Las Vegas for alt elektronik

Panasonic kommer også med nye Plasmaer og der ser meget interssante ud.
De er THX godkendt( hvad det så betyder?) og de har adgang til Picasa ( google ) og You Tube.
Jeg kan dog ikke se om de har WiFi nogle der ved det?

Jeg vil i løbet af ugen smider alle de spændende ting fra CES i denne tråd.

Panasonic PZ800 46-inch

Despite the fact that consumers and videophiles don't agree on a single preferred HDTV technology, Panasonic continues to cater to those who can't live without true blacks and accurate colors with five new lines of Plasmas. In an attempt to help you find just the right size for your setup, Panasonic
has added a 46-inch model to some of its lines including the flagship
PZ850. In addition to the 46-inch, the top of the line is available in
the; 50, 58 and 65-inch varieties. The 850 line is also the first to
include IP enabled features like YouTube and Picasa. Like a few other
high-end sets -- the PZ850 includes THX
display certification, easy access to ISF calibration settings,
30,000:1 contrast, RS-232C, and four HDMI ports. The PZ800 line
(pictured) has just about everything the 850 does with the exception of
the IP features and the addition of a 42-inch model. These aren't the
only options as Panasonic also has the PZ85, PZ80, and PX80 lines, but
other than they aren't as good as the 850 and 800, we're hard press to
tell them apart. All the new TVs are expected in the spring of 2008 at
a currently undisclosed price.

Den før omtalte tynde Pioneer plasma.

Der kommer nye Plasmaer fra Pioneer og de er godt nok tynde. Ligner jo næsten det OLED TV fra Sony.

You've seen it during our liveblog, now have at in product shots. Having successfully acquired countless awards, Pioneer's Kuro
line is now aiming to take being the thinnest, blackest flat panel on
the market to a whole new level. Today it unveiled "Project Kuro", a
50-inch plasma that it says is capable of displaying absolute black,
while also measuring a minuscule 9mm (0.35-inches) thick. Besides
making Hitachi's Ultra Thin 1.5-inch thick plasma
appear obese, the promise of an infinite contrast ratio would represent
a holy grail of PQ. This HDTV that can perfectly mimic a piece of art
hanging on the wall, is definitely not going on sale in 2008. Check out
the rest of the pictures of this HDTV after the break, this is the
closest you'll get to perfection for a while.


Og den nye net afspiller plus wifi fjernbetjening fra Squeezebox blev også annonceret på CES.
Er der nogen forlydender om visning af 1080/p 24 på de nye modeller fra Panasonic?
speed six
Indlæg: 51
Tilmeldt: tirs maj 30, 2006 19:24

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man jan 07, 2008 16:04

Ja de skulle have begge dele ifølge det jeg har set på  8)
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » man jan 07, 2008 18:18

PS3 skulle også få profil 2.0 på et tidspunkt snart:
Det er vist mere end en indikation:
Lidt om hvad profil 2.0 eller Blu Ray Live kan. ( kunne de ikke have fundet et bedre navn?)


Bill Gates sidste dag på jobbet.
Nu overtager Balmer jo. Yiikes!

Det er sgu god humor.


Panasonic 150" plasma!
En video af svinet.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 08, 2008 11:47

Mitsubishis Laser TV
Billede filnavn: 2k178ad5402a.jpg

Mitsubishi put together quite a spectacle to introduce its Laser TV
last night at the Moon Nightclub at The Palms Hotel in Las Vegas,
unveiling a 65-inch rear-projection set that uses a unique laser
backlight. The result is some of the most vivid color we've ever seen
on any TV, especially the primary colors of red, green and blue. The
blacks were midnight-dark, too, and there was even a 3D version of the
TV (goofy glasses required) that only made us slightly cross-eyed. Mits
officials said to look for the TV to appear on the market "later this
year" at an undisclosed price, and added that it will cost about the
same as flat panel TVs of the same size. How does this laser backlight


Mikro Porjektor til ens mobil.


Panasonic viser HD Wireless frem:

Panasonic Wireless HD
After attending the kickoff Panasonic keynote earlier today at CES 2008, Engadget headed over to the Panasonic booth to check out the Wireless HD, 150-inch behemoth, and ultra-thin plasmas.
The Wireless HD setup was, of course, a befuddling open space between a
set-top box of some sort and a TV. A loop video played demonstrating
the signal using "beam steering" to bounce around obstructions, much
like our cameras trying to get around the gaggle of people huddled
around Panny's products.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 08, 2008 14:03

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope


Indlægaf jensen » tirs jan 08, 2008 15:58

Ja skulle have været derover med alt betalt.

Men nej gider ikke, der er ogås mange der holder sig væk i år.
hvad nu
Indlæg: 1184
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 18, 2005 20:15

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 08, 2008 17:59

Stream HD i 1080p med DTS MA med en satelit modtager . Hvis det her bliver alt for udbredt ryger de nye HD optiske formater, da i svinget...
XStreamHDjJust a few hours before our live coverage of the XStreamHD
press event (11am PST) with Michael Douglas; many of the details have
been released and we have to say this thing looks so incredible, we
don't see how it can live up to the press release -- this is one of
those times when we'd really love to be wrong. For starters, the
service promises to deliver "the latest content from leading studios"
in 1080p (MPEG-2 and x.264) with 7.1 channels of lossless DTS-HD Master Audio (96kHz/24bits) to
your home via satellite, and if it stopped there it would be impressive
enough, but no. The content is stored on the internally in your "Virtual Personal Library" until you access it with up to four simultaneous DLNA
devices on your gigabit Ethernet home network. If you run out of space,
you can use the extra drive bays to expand up to 2TB of storage. And
because there is so much great OTA HD content, it features three ATSC tuners which can be used with a "
Video Recorder" -- not sure what that is, or if its extra. And
interestingly even includes a PBX that allows free calling between
XStreamHD customers. As if this wasn't unbelievable enough, it all
starts at $399 and is expected to hit in the fourth quarter of '08.

Dette lyder ret fedt. ( er dog ikke helt sikker på at det er på CES...hmm)
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 08, 2008 18:11

Stereophile har en side oppe i deres blog nu og der er lidt forskelligt.
Ny rør slæde som strøm forsyning og en Wadia Ipod dock med digital ud. Hvordan det så end lykkes....

We ran into SinglePower Inc.'s Mikhail Rotenberg as he was sprinting
down the hall to the Synergistic Research room. "Check these out," he
said. "These are a 1932 Tung Argon 4327 and a 1943 722A (323), labeled
Centennial, but manufactured by Western Electric."

Rotenberg has a warehouse full of NOS treasures like this
he bought from a MilSpec supplier near West Point. A few minutes later,
we saw them in action, but we could have never guessed what they were
being used in.

This is the Synergistic Research/SinglePower Enigma power supply
($6000) for Synergistic's active shielded Tesla cables (interconnect
$1200–3000 per 1m speaker cable: $5400/8' pair).

Synergistic's Ted Denney explained, "The TungAr sounds great
with small intimate recordings; the Western Electric sounds fabulous
with big, dynamic music."

Wait, you're telling us the the tube running the shield has an effect on the sound? "Yup," Denney said.

It did. Something's going on here, but we don't know what it is.


It exists; we saw it for ourselves! Wadia's $349 iTransport can take the digital signal out of an iPod before the DAC, outputting 16-bit/44.1khz resolution for uncompressed files—it doesn't upconvert lower-rez files like MP3s, but it does reformat them to 16/44.1, according to Wadia's John Schaffer.

And then we heard the iTransport driving the $13,500 Wadia 781
player/DAC/preamp and Halcro DM308 power amp and a pair of Verity
Parsifals. Wow!

Big, bold, and extremely accurate sound on Van the Man and some
baroque lute. We poked around he rear panel and noticed the iTransport
utilizes an outboard power supply. "To make this price point, we
essentially hot-rodded a wall-wart," Schaffer explained. "It does keep
the AC out of the signal path, though."

"And is an obvious path for an upgrade," quipped Jon Iverson.

No comment.

XLO cables were used throughout—including Ultralink XLO's
Limited Edition interconnects ($2500/1m) and speaker cables ($9500/8'

Billede filnavn: 2ka3cd8051ba.jpg

Der er også lidt andet som jeg har smidt i vinyl guf tråden.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope


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