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Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 08, 2008 21:27

Var det noget med en bette remote?


at me, confident despite my probably-too-casual-for-CES hoodie attire.
Why? I'm holding the latest update of the giant remote we've seen
floating around the web for years.
The latest LI-RC900CL version by Lax-Max include backlit keys and an
LCD that tells you the time. Oh, and a stand. Never forget the stand.
If and when this model ever hits stores it will run about $30.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Bourne trilogien
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons jan 09, 2008 00:53

Snart kan vi oplade trådløst ( næsten )
Nu skal vi bare lige have teknologien bygget ind i apparater sådan at vi slipper for den lille "dongle".


We have been harping on about Splash power's wireless charging solution from way back in 2003,
but they have just showed us a working unit. Here's the surprise; it
really works. The idea is simple, by plugging in a dongle into the base
of your gadget, you are able to drop the device into a charging bay,
and as soon as contact is made, charging begins. We like the look of
the product—check the gallery for more shots.

The charging times are said to be exactly the same as that from a
standard AC outlet, as the Splashpower bay and dongle utilizes the
inbuilt charging circuitry to power your low-juiced appliance by
conduction. With pricing aimed at $100 for the base station, and $20
for each additional dongle, competition with the folks at WildCharge
($59.99 base / $34.99 adapters), is going to be fierce. Nevertheless,
Splashpower's in with a chance. For one, the dongles look a little more
workable than WildCharge's adapters, even if the bases are not as cool.
Expect the Splashpower to drop in Q3 '08. [Splashpower]


Og nok den grimmeste Ipod Dock jeg har set!


iPig is an iPod dock for the new generation of iPods. The sound quality
is actually rather good, and it gets loud too. The touch sensitive,
volume-controlling ears really let you get a response from feeling your
ham. It will ship with a multi-functioning remote, but we believe the
brochure explains it best; check out the great PR work after the
equally fantastic gallery.


"Pretty Pig. Fair-sounding pig.
Lovely pig. Certainly, it need your tender petting." Enough said.
Though a speaker set with the same design has been around for a while,
the iPod dock version is fresh to the market. No shipping / pricing
information has been released, but you can get your bacon fill from
your butcher's until the iPig launches. [Amethyst; link is down at time of writing]
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Andre´ Jensen » ons jan 09, 2008 09:39

Jeg har lidt svært ved at se, hvad der er smart i, at kunne oplade trådløs.Den teknik vil jeg tro kunne have været brugt i de sidste hundrede år.Den forgår sikkert ved simpel induktion, så vi er faktisk helt tilbage til elektroteknikens barndom. Næ skulle de komme med noget virkeligt epokegørende, skulle det være batterier med 10 gange AH.

André Jensen
Andre´ Jensen
Indlæg: 1477
Tilmeldt: man okt 31, 2005 00:51
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons jan 09, 2008 10:19

Ja du har helt ret det foregår ved induktion.
Det smarte er for mig at se hvis man har en plade hvor man så kan lægge alle sine elektriske dimser på, hvorved de bliver opladt.
Som denne, konkurrenten til Splashpower,
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
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Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons jan 09, 2008 10:37

Samsungs næste combo HD DVD / Blu Ray afspiller

Prsien skulle blive ca. 5-600 $. dvs. 4-4.500 kr. herhjemme.
Flere billeder:

En mur af Subwooferer.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
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Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons jan 09, 2008 10:54

Stereophil bliver ved med at smide interessant hi fi fra CES op.

Teac nye multi afspiller X-05.

Esoteric unveiled its new X-05 SACD/CD player ($5600), which employs a
new VRDS-NEO "VMK-5" drive mechanism that includes a precision machined
aluminum turntable and a polycarbonate clamping mechanism. The VMK-5 is
said to be extremely rigid and optimized for SACD's high-rotation

The X-05 also uses Esoteric's new lens tracking system, which
mounts the laser-pickup assembly on a shaft to ensure that the laser
optical axis is always centered on the the pit track. Esoteric credits
this with a huge amount of the mechanical performance of the X-05.

The X-05's D/A converter incorporate Cirrus Logic’s 24-bit /
192 kHz processing DAC device in a dual mono configuration. The analog
audio output circuits are also dual mono for better channel separation.

We found the X-05 a fascinating example of how dedicated
high-end manufacturers continue to perfect playback mechanisms for
formats that the recording industry have essentially torpedoed. The
turntable was more or less perfected long after the "death" of the
LP—now it looks like companies like Esoteric are improving SACD
playback at a time when the labels have abandoned it.

Perhaps that's the very essence of the High End.


Sony nye "støj insulerings høretelefoner". De er de første der gør brug af digital teknologi.

The Sony booth had a lot of interesting products on display, but hardly
anything specifically dealing with audio. Last year, the only product I
found I could find in the Sony booth that I could mention in my CES
blog was a pair of headphones. This year, the product that I spotted
that I thought would be interesting to Stereophile readers was "a pair of headphones!"

No, these were not the same headphones, but the new
MDR-NC500D ($399), the "World’s First Noise-Canceling Headphones using
digital technology for precise noise reduction." I listened to them,
and although it was difficult to judge the ultimate quality, they
seemed to sound pretty good. However, what was really impressive was
the sound they didn't make. With no input signal, just turning
on the noise-reduction circuitry produced a reduction in noise that was
quite eerie. It was like suddenly entering an anechoic chamber. A
lithium-ion battery powers the headphones for up to 16 hours. After
that, the noise returns!


Selv spolebåndoptagere ser man på CES.

Several rooms this year are sporting 1/4" reel to reel decks as source components. The Tape Project
has caught on with exhibitors in the Venetian including Pioneer/TAD
& Magico. Representatives from TTP were often spotted hauling reel
to reel tapes, along with the machines that play them (such as this
modified Technics 1600) up and down the halls.

There's just something positively elegant about watching the reels slowly turn as incredible sound rolls out.


Lidt dansk hifi i form af Lyndorf.

The Lyngdorf Server 1 is a music and video server had us drooling.
Lyngdorf, of course, loves to keep signals digital until the last
millimeter, building DACs into their active DSP-driven loudspeakers.
The Server 1 sounded great—there was just one problem: It isn't
available. Yet.

"We have the software written and the GUI is done, but we're
working on lowering the jitter in HDMI and USB—which is not an
inconsiderable task," a Lyngdorf rep explained. "We think we can do
even better, so we won't bring the server to market until it
outperforms everything else we've seen."

And the price?

"We don't know, but less than the Kaleidescape, that's for sure."

Den nye cdafspiller fra PS audio, som jeg også har omtalt herinde før-
Spændende at den har HDMI ud. Det er første gang jeg har set det.
Mon HDMI også bliver den nye standard for digital stereo lyd?

The PS Audio Memory Link ($1695) is a CD/DVD/RAM drive. It's a mechanical player (ie,
it still spins the discs), but it has an unusually large cache.
Conventional players have caches of around 8–16MB, the Memory Link has
a 64MB cache. Why is this better?

Paul McGowan says the larger cache—about three minutes worth of
music—allows the processor to handle larger "packets" of information,
which in itself reduces the amount of timing jitter. The data is put
through a digital lens with output jitter measured as low as 0.5ps.

The Memory Link runs Linux and, McGowan says, will be able to
harvest metadata and album art off the Internet, as well as rip CDs to
a music server. There's a small display on its front panel which can
display art or text.

We asked which music service PS was using for metadata and
album art. McGowan told us PS would write its own software to do that,
which strikes us as a fairly ambitious for what is essentially an
engineering company.

The Memory link gas a full complement of outputs, HDMI (for I2S). Ethernet, USB, TOSlink, AES/EBU, and S/PDIF RCA.

A similarly priced DAC is in the works, McGowan said.

It will ship by summer, McGowan said.

The digital outputs include HDMI for audio only output.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Andre´ Jensen » ons jan 09, 2008 16:36

Denne her wadia er spændende digitalt ud fra ipod  :o , og så er den til at betale. ... elease.pdf

Andre´ Jensen
Indlæg: 1477
Tilmeldt: man okt 31, 2005 00:51
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons jan 09, 2008 16:47

Jep skriver om den på side 1.  :P
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Andre´ Jensen » ons jan 09, 2008 16:59

Raskolnikov skrev:Jep skriver om den på side 1. :P

Det gør du sørme også .Mig bekendt er det den første doking halløjsa, der kan få digitalt ud.Jeg har en formodning om, den kan give almindelige cdafspiller baghjul.


Andre´ Jensen
Indlæg: 1477
Tilmeldt: man okt 31, 2005 00:51
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 10, 2008 11:56

USB 3 in the flesh.

Get ready, speed freaks. USB 3.0,
the oft-rumored, much-discussed, rarely seen new standard heading our
way has been spotted, sliced, chopped, and diced at CES 2008. Actually,
we just got a chance to check the connectors and compare with the old
2.0 standard (which the reps tell us is backward compatible, of
course). With speeds of 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s), and a powering system
which intelligently cuts the juice when you're not using a device, we
have a feeling you'll want. Too bad we all have to wait till 2010...
the year we make contact... with USB 3.0.

Blu Ray 2.0
Den endelige Blu Ray standard. Synes godt nok det er underligt at man stadig udvikler afspillere og endnu mere at dem der har købt en afspiller nu ikke får alle BD features. De må ud at købe en ny! Det holder altså ikke.
Video i linket.

Noget mere om Mitsubishis Laser tv.

Laser TV Frank DeMartin, general manager of Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, was nice enough to talk a little laser TV with us just before the unveiling of the new laser TV
-- we're not exaggerating about the "little" part. While it all sounds
fantastic, we were disappointed that he wasn't willing to even begin to
satisfy our unlimited thirst for technical details. But he was
confident that a laser TV could provide the ultimate in picture quality
because "laser has the ability to hit color points that no other
technology can." We understand his desire not to spill trade secrets,
but any technical information beyond, "it's the best" would've been
better than nothing. So while we don't know how the TV works, we do
know that the principal makes sense; lasers offer the purest form of
light, while at the same time use less power than other light sources.
The problem of course is that the competition in the HDTV market is a
fast moving target, and with the delays Mitsubishi has been dealing with,
we wonder how competitively priced this new technology will be --
though Frank assured us that Mitsubishi's dominance in the red laser
market will help . Frank says, "it'll be competitive with flat panel
prices," and that's great and all, but price isn't the only factor
needed to compete against flat panels,
people like thin TVs and the laser TV isn't thin -- it's about as thin
as a DLP. But regardless of being the same price, Mitsu thinks the
superior picture quality will trump thin because "people want it flat,
but they want it large too." Either way, we'll have to wait until some
unknown time this year to see if the laser TV can live up to the hype,
but with what we know right now, we're not sold just yet.


If the idea of a receiver is just too lowbrow for you, check out
Denon's processor/amplifier separates, the AVP/POA-A1HDCI ('AVP' for
the processor, 'POA' for the amp). Six HDMI 1.3 inputs, two parallel
HDMI outputs and Silicon Optix Realta video processing are some
processor highlights; the amp packs in 10 channels at 150-watts. While
you're at it, why settle for a Blu-ray player when you can get a
dedicated transport? That back panel picture of the DVD-2500BTCI is no
prototype unit -- all you get is a power cord, HDMI output, and RS-232.
Spin those bits off the Blu-ray disc and send them on to the AVP-A1HDCI
for decoding. Pricing is securely in the "if you have to ask..."
category: $7k for the AVP-A1HDCI, $7k for the POA-A1HDCI and $1200 for
the DVD-2500BTCI.

Denon Surround grej inkl. deres Blu Ray-( mon den får Blu ray live?!)
Mange flere billeder.


If the idea of a receiver is just too lowbrow for you, Marantz is
introducing their new AV8003 and MM8003 processor / amplifier pair.
It's a nice couple: HDMI 1.3a (four in, two out), Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD
MA, DeepColor and Audyssey to get things dialed in; the amp kicks out
eight channels at 150-Watts. Both available Q2 2008, prices to be

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 10, 2008 11:57

Ultra High Def TV fra Samsung.


has just popped out a ridiculously large 82" LCD TV, boasting ultra
high-definition resolution of 3840 x 2160. That is a four-times
increase on conventional LCD standards, and word on the street is Japan
has already begun testing video broadcast in ultra high-definition. We
are sure that'll eat bandwidth faster than the cookie monster (Chris)
eats cookies. That aside, the picture rendition is jaw dropping.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 10, 2008 13:10

Det her er godt nok en dyr HTPC: 

Instead of using conventional CD playback technology, the Rockport room
featured the DC-powered Black Box Audiophile PC from Blue Smoke
Entertainment Systems of Chicago. (Preliminary pricing, expected to
lower before the unit reaches the market, is $7999.) With no moving
parts in the box into which one inserts a CD, the DSP-based system
reclocks the data after reading the CD, basically eliminating jitter.
It copies the audio data from a CD onto a hard drive, reading the CD
multiple times if necessary to eliminate data-reading errors. It is
said to be far more accurate my own conventional stick it in the iMac
and burn it in iTunes setup. The unit can process data up to 24/192.
Lordie did it sound good.


De her højttalere  spiller bedre med grønt laserlys! 

In what has become a tradition, Anton Dotson (aka Buddha on the Stereophile forum)
and Michael Alazard set up a room at T.H.E. Show as NFS Audio (Not For
Sale), which they describe as "a chill out zone for people tired of the
show's relentless grinding down of the human spirit."

What do the good doctors prescribe? "Alcohol and music." NFS runs
an open bar all day (and night) and play music: LPs, CDs, you name it.
This year Dotson lugged his Ferguson Hill loudspeakers in for the fun
of it. "These used to belong to Ray Kimber," Dotson said. "It's a long

They always are—and with NFS, they're usually petty good 'uns.

This year, the boys brought a new "tweak": a Laser projector. How is that a tweak?

"The laser stabilizes the air molecules, so they can better interact with the drivers" said Dotson. "Want a drink?"

Well, yes, but we have miles to go before we sleep.

Audiophile Rob Smith stopped by to absorb some green dots by the record

Wi Fi højttalere.

Erin Binal of Bicome finished his lecture on Thielnet by stripping off
the front grillw on the small, two-way, IP-addressable, powered SCS4D
loudspeaker. There are twin ports above and below the coaxial driver.
With the grille on or off, the SCS4D is rated with a frequency response
of 48Hz–20kHz, ±3dB. Pricing was not specified. And yes, those are WiFi

Thiel's press conference at the Sands Convention Center
on Day One of the 2008 CES opened with a detailed critique of the
complexities and challenge of installing a home theater system. Ekin
Binal, Vice President, Product Development, of BICOM, an IT company
partnering with THIEL to address these issues, spoke in detail about
the complex, labor intensive, time-intensive, cost-intensive
installation of multiple speakers and channels. Furthermore, updating
such a home theater system is never simple nor convenient, nor is
moving a system from an old house to a new house either simple or
inexpensive. Because installation is custom work, there is no universal
package a single manufacturer can create that can fit most domestic

Thiel wondered if such problems could be reduced by connecting
speakers through a network, preferably wireless, without sacrificing
the audiophile sound quality that has been a design goal of the
company. Arrangements were made to partner with BICOM, a software /
information technology company. The resulting partnership developed the
plan for Thielnet.

The resulting Thielnet system includes a dB1, IP addressable,
digital audio distribution processor capable of running up to 64
loudspeakers with DSP to decode Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic II/IIx,
and DTS audio inputs. The dB1 can be controlled by a remote, Web
browser, or through its front panel.

The Thielnet SCS4D loudspeaker shown in the photo is a key
member of this system. This is a full-range, IP-addressable, two-way,
powered bookshelf speaker with a digital crossover network, a 6.5"
woofer mounted co-axially with a 1" metal-dome tweeter. This is the
only loudspeaker I've seen that includes an Ethernet jack and WiFi
antennae on its rear panel.

Also presented was the Thielnet SS1D SmartSub subwoofer which
has a 10" long-throw woofer; and a dS1-Thielnet IP based digital
speaker module that contains the 250W class-D monoblock amplifier, a
24-bit/192kHz DAC, and traditional binding-post speaker outputs.
Connectivity between the digital audio distributor processor and
powered loudspeakers can be accomplished with Ethernet cabling or

Ekin Binal spent time detailing the flexibility and rear panel
connectivity of the dB1, particularly its eight Ethernet jacks. Later,
members of the audience asked Jim Thiel, the company's main speaker
designer, how the networked connections sounded compared to the
traditional speaker cabling. Jim stated that speaker cabling was
superior at this time, but the difference was slight, and could not be
detected most times. Others asked abou the absence of an HDMI
connector, and what were the sources Thiel uses for its DACs and DSP


Nyt fra Mark Levision.

"Our Asian and Pacific clients were strongly requesting it," said Mark
Levinson's Walter Schofield, VP of Sales and Marketing, "so we designed
an amplifier in the older Mark Levinson tradition with external heats."

Sure enough, the large, heavy—try 140 lbs—dual-mono, $15,000,
No.532 amplifier had the characteristic, classic, curved black-silver
monolithic shape enjoyed by Mark Levinson amplifiers designed in the
early 1990s.

"It may have the classic Mark Levinson appearance," continued
Walter, "but it enjoys the latest in our technology. Its output levels
are matched to within 0.02dB and the signal paths are 35% shorter than
any previous Mark Levinson amplifier. It also has our
very-low–dielectric Arlon printed-circuit boards. We've designed it to
act like a voltage source down to 1 ohm, so the current keeps doubling
as you go down in impedance. I think that it will be have terrific

"Yes indeed," I said, "it will be important to test your claim. Can I have one for review?" Stay tuned!

"I've never seen the rear of an amplifier look like this," I
said, pointing how each channel of the Mark Levinson No.532 stereo
amplifier formed what seemed to be a peninsula, so that each channel
had its own left and right heatsinks."

"Yes," said Walter, "this chassis configuration allows to have smaller heatsinks, but still get the needed heat dissipation."


Til sidst en stor højttaler.

"Big," I said.

"There's no substitute for size when it comes to designing a
subwoofer," JA explained. "A lot of small subs do a lot of things well,
but when you want to reproduce truly deep, controlled bass, you need
big drivers and a big box."

Wilson Audio Specialties' newest subwoofer, Thor's Hammer,
certainly seems to have what it takes. Coming from a long line of
serious subs, including the coffee-table-sized WHOW and seven-foot-tall
XS, Wilson's newest design stands 59 inches tall, weighs over 400 lbs,
features dual 15" long-throw woofers, and, of course, invokes the Norse
god of thunder. Whoa.

"For those people who want to move a lot of air around a very
large space, Thor's Hammer will do a great job," said Wilson's Peter

I believe it. Unfortunately, Thor's Hammer was only on static
display, so we couldn't enjoy a listen. "Maybe at the next show," said
Daryl Wilson. "We'll have to reinforce the windows."

Alt sammen taget fra Stereophile CES blog.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 10, 2008 13:30

Meget mere CES her:
Bla. denne kæmpe McIntosh power amp. Der kan man da se hvad der står!
Billede filnavn: 2k669f9e4855.jpg
Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 10, 2008 18:00

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » fre jan 11, 2008 14:11

Hands off the compression button music industry!
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Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope


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