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Indlægaf Otto J » fre jan 11, 2008 18:59

En hurtig update fra staterne - jeg ved ikke lige hvornår jeg får tid til at svare igen, så hav lidt tålmodighed hvis der er uddybende spørgsmål... Efter at have gået lidt rundt på CES, er der nogle ting der står tilbage i erindringen:

Panasonic: 150" 3840x1960 plasma. BLÆRET! Overraskende godt billede, men jeg ved så heller ikke om kilden var HD eller 1960P. Det mest interessante for den almindelige forbruger er dog at hele Panasonic's næste generation, der lanceres i løbet af foråret (april-maj er nok realistisk), reelt har indhentet Pioneer's forspring på sort-niveau. Jeg havde forventet at det ville tage en generation mere, før Panasonic var med på dét specifikke område. De markedsfører 1.000.000:1, hvilket er direkte latterligt, og som jeg også tvivler på er rigtigt, men den subjektive oplevelse er at sort er på niveau med Pioneer 8G, og uden at gøre brug af "tricks", der kunne ødelægge shadow detail. Panasonic bliver MEGET stærke fra næste generation. Ægte 1080P/24 i alle modeller, ifølge medarbejderne på standen, hvilket også har været meldt ud fra Panasonic tidligere.

Pioneer viste ikke 9G endnu, men fortalte at sort-niveauet bliver "5 gange bedre" end på 8G (som jo i forvejen er god). Derudover viste de en prototype frem, som var helt og aldeles sort i et bælgmørkt rum, mens 8G ved siden af var RET sort, men ikke helt sort. Der var så mørkt i rummet at man slet ikke kunne se at prototypen var der. Først når detaljerne i billedet var så lyse at de lyste rummet lidt op, kunne man ane rammen omkring det sorte. I praksis var forskellen mindre dramatisk når der ikke var tale om "prale-materiale", og hvis der ikke er _helt_ sort i rummet vil forskellen også være mindre - men de fik bevist at det kan lade sig gøre at levere ægte sort. Denne teknologi er IKKE 9G, men kommer i den helt flade model Pioneer fremviste en prototype af. Hvornår dette sker, er dog uvist.

Andre producenter viste forskellige grader af nyheder og prototyper, men det meste virkede bare lidt ligegyldigt når man havde været forbi Pioneer og Panasonic. Samsung's 3840x1960 var imponerende, men primært fordi den blev fodret med 1960P materiale - det er mere et bevis på betydningen af kildematerialet, end på betydningen af opløsning i displayet. Om noget, så vil jeg sige at opløsningen hjalp til at offsette nogle af de problemer LCD ofte har med definitionen i finere detaljer, især gengivelsen af organiske ting som hår. Det kan virke lidt som om at LCD har _brug_ for den højere opløsning, så man kan sige at man kan sammenligne et 1960P LCD med et 1080P plasma.

Sim2 og Dolby viste en såkaldt HDR teknologi, som kort sagt er LED med local dimming. HDR går ud på at man ikke bare laver et kredsløb til local dimming, men håndterer signalbehandlingen hele vejen, så f.eks. gamma tilpasses til den effekt dynamisk dimming har på billedet, og dimmingen tager f.eks. højde for hvilken farve der er i det område der skal dimmes (fordi grøn kræver meget mere lys end f.eks. blå). Det blev fremvist med et MEGET boosted billede, men der var noget potentiale i det - omend det stadig er "snyd", jeg foretrækker at panelet i sig selv leverer dén ydelse man ønsker, uden hjælp fra diverse "tricks". I dette tilfælde vil jeg dog sige at ulemperne er noget mere begrænsede end dét jeg har set fra Samsung. Sim2 viste en sammenligning mellem et almindeligt LCD-tv, med en prototype med præcist samme panel, men med HDR backlight. Det var meget overbevisende, og en af de mest imponerende sammenlignende demonstrationer jeg har set til dato. Det lignede bogstaveligt talt to helt forskellige skærm-teknologier, selv om selve LCD-panelet var præcist det samme.

Projektorerne vil jeg helst ikke sige så meget om, de fleste blev fremvist på lærreder jeg ikke bryder mig om (DNP Supernova, Stewart Firehawk, Da-Lite High Power osv). Måske er det fordi amerikanerne har været så vant til bagprojektion, at de ikke synes de perlende overflader og heftig hot-spotting er et problem, men jeg bryder mig altså ikke om det, og så er det svært at udtale sig om projektorens kvalitet. Demonstrationerne generelt (også af fladskærmene) var dog af langt højere kvalitet end man ser på de europæiske messer.

På det mere personlige plan, var det sjovt at se DLS M66 højttaleren i sin endelige form. Jeg har fulgt udviklingen af denne højttaler ret tæt de seneste par år, og nu er den endelig ved at være her. Den skulle kunne leveres til maj/juni (omend de har udskudt introduktionen før, så jeg tror det når jeg ser det...). Opstillingen lød LANGT bedre end dét jeg hørte på messen i Sverige, og finish'en er meget tilfredsstillende, klasser bedre end de nuværende DLS modeller og de prototyper der har været vist tidligere. Jeg glæder mig meget til at høre den hjemme i stuen.

Mvh. Otto
Otto J
Indlæg: 1115
Tilmeldt: søn mar 04, 2007 09:07

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » fre jan 11, 2008 22:34

Tak for den fine gennemgang Otto.  Our man on the inside
Jeg kan se at de nye Pannyer har you tube, men betyder det også at de har Wi Fi der kan streame film og billeder til tvet?

DLS har en ny PDF med det nye grej, som jeg har skrevet om her:

Fik du hørt det nye Hi Fi også?
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » lør jan 12, 2008 13:12

Lidt mere om de trådløse tver. Håber godt nok alt det snart bliver indbygget i tvet ellers er det lidt ligegyldigt for mig.

Westinghouse Digital's
wireless 1080p system uses UWB (ultra wideband) components from Pulse-LINK,
building the receiver into its TVs and using (nearly) visually lossless
JPEG 2000 compression to make it all possible. Available in Q4, the
company says it'll add $200 to the price of a 1080p LCD TV.


UWB-based wireless HD system was the closest to a shipping product we
saw, albeit capable of only 1080i/720p transmission. The $700 system is
in the final stages of approval and the company says it will ship "in a
couple of weeks."

Belkin_wirelessHD.jpgBelkin's wireless 1080p product uses 5.8GHz RF (radio frequency) tech by Amimon
that we saw demonstrated at last year's CES, transmitted by this
cool-looking box to a receiver mounted on the back of the TV that can
be between 50 and 100 feet away. It'll be available in September for
around $600.


Viera Link Wireless HD sends a beam from transmitter to receiver using
60GHz RF. If someone gets in the way of that signal, its "beam steering
technology" bounces the beam around to get it there anyway. Seems to
act like infrared, although they told us it's radio frequency. Looks
great, but they had the works hidden in a big, clunky cabinet. Seems
pretty far from commercial rollout.


Sony's wireless
in-room HD also used Amimon technology for its demo, where booth reps
were careful to call it a conceptual idea. While Sony had a
snazzy-looking transmitter box (seen at the bottom of the pic above) in
view, the guy admitted that the real workings were concealed in the
cabinet below. The video quality of the 1080p was nearly perfect, with
almost no latency, a hallmark of the Amimon system that's been working
well since a year ago. Sony wouldn't say when or if the tech would be
brought to market.

In another demo around the corner, Sony showed us its 720p/1080i
wireless HD system (transmitter picture in inset above), compressing
the video with a few artifacts and a three-second latency, but able to
transmit the signal 100-300 feet. This version also had a backchannel
for remote commands to be sent back to the transmitter.

Summing up, hold off with that sledgehammer you're about to use to
smash the drywall to install HDMI cable for your home theater
projector. It looks like practical and affordable wireless 1080p will
be the Next Big Thing, and we expect it to be shipping from numerous
manufacturers using a variety of tech by next year's CES. Before long,
according to tech driver Amimon, economies of scale will allow the
technology to be built into components at little extra cost.


Byg din egen gadget. Fedt koncept

Bug Labs: Build your own dream gadget


Bug Labs platform

Snap up to four modules onto the BugBase, and you've got your own custom gadget.

It's the rare product that excites CNET editors across all
categories. The Bug Labs platform, which has been the subject of
several conversations around the CNET booth, is one such rarity.

Described as "the Lego of gadgets" by Webware's
Rafe Needleman, the Bug Labs platform starts with a minicomputer, the
Bug Base, onto which you can snap multiple modules, such as a digital
camera or an LCD screen. You can then program your own software to run
your custom gadget or download software others have written from the Bug Labs
site. Need a GPS-enabled digital camera that will automatically upload
your images to Flickr? With the Bug Labs platform, you can build one.

Aside from being eager to tinker with the product, we're
thrilled to see such an innovative approach to consumer electronics.
The Bug Platform is totally open source, highly configurable, and
designed to go wherever consumers' imaginations take them. Plus, the
company has a unique "early adopter" pricing scheme, in which the price
is lower during the first 60 days; this is a great way to encourage
people to start developing software to share.

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » søn jan 13, 2008 17:50

Bladelius Silent Replay System. Ret inspireret af Classé
Men det ser da fedt ud.
Billede filnavn: 2kdc0e1f5220.jpg

Stereophile har opdateret.

Ny Benchmark udgave af Dac 1-

The Benchmark DAC1
D/A headphone amplifier has long been our affordable digital
recommendation, both in its original form ($975) or with an additional
USB data input ($1275, reviewed in the January issue of Stereophile).
The DAC1 looked a little different when I went into the Benchmark room
at the THE Show; "That's because you're looking at the new DAC1 PRE,"
explained Rory Rall. The NY company has added a pair of single-ended
analog inputs so that the DAC1 can act as the system preamp. It still
has digital inputs, of course, though the AES/EBU XLR had to be omitted
to make the rear-panel real estate available for the analog inputs. A
switch scrolls between the four digital inputs, the USB computer input,
and the analog input. The DAC1 PRE is expected to begin shipping in
February 2008 and will retail for $1575.


Nagra Riaa.

In their suite at the Mirage, Nagra introduced the VPS (Valve Phono
Stage), shown here under the Swiss company’s well-regarded PL-L line
preamplifier. The front-panel switch selects between A and B inputs and
mute, while the rear panel features two sets of inputs and outputs and
an output level switch. The A inputs accommodate MC cartridges, while
the optional B input can be set for either MM or MC operation.
Capacitive and resistive loading can be changed with modules that plug
into the pcb close to the input connectors. The MC circuit is based on
high-quality transformers wound in-house by Nagra, followed by gain and
RIAA stages using ECC81 and ECC83 tubes. The RIAA equalization can be
set with internal jumpers either to the 1953 standard or to the 1976
standard. The circuit boards are mounted on compliant supports, to
minimize microphony and the power supply is housed in a separate
chassis. Unusually, the output can be taken either directly from the
tube stage or via a solids-state buffer.

Nagra distributor John Quick demonstrated both options for me,
using the new version of Verity Audio's Sarastro speakers driven by
Nagra's pyramid-shaped class-D amplifiers and a front end comprising a
Basis turntable and arm fitted with what I noted was an EMT MC
cartridge. The presentation was more robust-sounding with the
solid-state output, with more authoritative low frequencies, but the
soundstage was better defined, more delicately delineated, with the
tube output. Mikey Fremer is scheduled to review the VPS.

Ny Cayin Cd-afspiller.
Er vild med retro designet! 

"Any source components?" I asked Cayin importer and VAS Audio maven Sze Leung.

"Wes, I have a whole line—and check this out, they come in classic wood
cases, just like the McIntosh, Marantz, and Scott used to!"

They do look nice—in either gloss black lacquer or rosewood.
The SP-cd300 CD player ($1695) is transformer coupled and seems to be
the only solid-state component in the line. The monoblock 8W SP-20M
($3995/pair) employ 300B SE tubes, the 60Wpc SP-40 stereo power
amplifier uses KT88s, and the 35Wpc SP-10A integrated uses four EL24s,
two 12AU7s, and a 12AX7 ($1695). Actually, you can buy the SP-10A with
6l6s for 18Wpc or KT88s for 50Wpc—prices vary, based on configuration.)

That's four products with six configurations?

"Oh no," said Leung. "I can supply pretty much any tube you need
for any of the base models. You know me, Wes—I like to play with

Indeed he does.

Og meget mere på

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Andre´ Jensen » søn jan 13, 2008 20:05

Billede filnavn: 2kdc3949fd23.jpg
What does $275,000 buy you these days besides a used Porsche Carrera GT with 20,000 miles on it? Yes, there is now a loudspeaker system with that asking price, which gets you 900 lbs of hardware, including two midrange—tweeter towers, two subwoofers, and two subwoofer amplifiers. Frequency response is rated from 8Hz to 50kHz, and the minimal load impedance is 3 ohms. Furthermore, the Force is made of glass.

I visited Perfect Eight Technology's suite to find out more. Jons Rantila, Chief Executive Officer, introduced me to his "music sculpture of glass and gold." Glass is used as an enclosure material. Rantila found that bonding together three sheets of thick glass with a special polymer bonding material produced a "super-silent laminate" that had no energy storage properties.

Perfect 8's name refers to the figure-eight dispersion pattern of a perfect dipole. The midrange and tweeter panels stand 79" tall. The tweeter is a proprietary 64" ribbon driver. The midrange frequencies are handled by seven, custom SEAS 7"-cone units. The passive crossovers is encased in matching boxes of semitransparent glass. Four 12" cone subwoofer are fed by a custom active filter and driven by amplifiers that use 9 Milrod 10µF capacitors per side, and contribute $2000 of the cost of the system.

All of this design would be of no important if the sound produced were deficient. I was prepared for, well, I don't know what. I was stunned to hear utterly transparent sound, with the clarity and lucidity of the original Quad's midrange. Selecting "The Mooche" from Stereophile's Editor's Choice CD, I heard the best sound I've heard from all the different loudspeakers on which I have auditioned this recording. Switching to my current "Record to Die For," the Stravinsky's Rite of Spring with Esa-Pekka Salonen conducting the Los Angeles Philharmonic (CD, DG 00289477 6198), this orchestral piece sound utterly clean, totally free from distortion, while exhibiting superb subtleties, particularly in the timbre of the woodwinds. The only criticism was that I heard compression on the bass drum beats.

While a $275,000 asking price is other-worldly, so was the sound.

Glas er dælme dyrt.


André Jensen 




Andre´ Jensen
Indlæg: 1477
Tilmeldt: man okt 31, 2005 00:51
Geografisk sted: københavn

Indlægaf a2zinck » søn jan 13, 2008 20:20

Raskolnikov skrev:Ny Cayin Cd-afspiller.
Er vild med retro designet! 

den er sgu smuk at betragte!

er der billeder af nye cayin forstærkere?

Indlæg: 890
Tilmeldt: tors feb 08, 2007 00:53
Geografisk sted: Aarhus

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » søn jan 13, 2008 21:11

a2zinck skrev:
Raskolnikov skrev:Ny Cayin Cd-afspiller.
Er vild med retro designet! 

den er sgu smuk at betragte!

er der billeder af nye cayin forstærkere?

Nope, men det kunne være fedt hvis deres almindelige forst. også kom til at se sådan ud.

Der er faktisk den her som er med rør-

Front View
Senest rettet af Raskolnikov søn jan 13, 2008 22:27, rettet i alt 1 gang.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » søn jan 13, 2008 22:08

Mere trådløs strøm. Crazy.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf the_rieper » tirs jan 15, 2008 01:01

Der er kommet info om 9g pioneer! Her er et citat:

"Like I said in the article the best way I can describe it is like the jump from G7 to G8, you could say its the same jump again to G9. There is an obvious improvement to the contrast of the G9 which was very noticable in the head to head and blacks were very much improved without crushing. I noticed shadow detail was also improved with the shot in the pictures above where the waves move on the water, there was more detail to be seen. Other than the above it's very difficult to subjectively explain without having some measures to show what it is I was seeing. I will say it is an obvious improvement and one which not only trained eyes will see."
Nyt medlem
Indlæg: 1
Tilmeldt: tirs nov 13, 2007 17:16

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tirs jan 15, 2008 11:44

Lyndorfs Surround system.
Lyngdorf D-1 - €14000

8 kanals RoomPerfect

Nederst TDA-2300 forstærker til €2500 stk.

Billede filnavn: 2k4df41f8448.jpg
Billede filnavn: 2kfccc409074.jpg

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons dec 31, 2008 12:58

Vi tager lidt forskud på CES 2009 :

Oh, brother -- yet another high resolution audio format to worry over. Just when you thought you could pick up Denon's forthcoming universal Blu-ray player
and be done with it comes HRx. The format, which is hyped up by
Reference Recordings and is literally high-res WAV files toasted onto
DVD media, cannot be played back in traditional DVD / DVD-Audio decks.
Instead, you'll need PS Audio's PerfectWave Transport Memory Player.
Until now, folks (all three of them) have simply been ripping the files
onto PCs or music servers for playback, but the item you see above will
indeed handle CDs and HRx DVDs, the latter of which delivers 24-bit,
176kHz sound. There's no mention of a price or eventual release date,
but something this specialized just can't be cheap. We mean, it just can't be.

Lyder da interessant.

Nogle der kender det der HRx format? Det er vist et 24bit WAV format så vidt jeg kan se.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » ons dec 31, 2008 13:03

Hvad tror vi ser i år til CES? Jeg tror og håber på:
Et Panasonic Plasma med DVR, WIFI, MPEG 4 på CES i Januar? Det er vel der vi bevæger os hen. Noget mere om den nye Oppo BD.
Ellers tror jeg trenden igen i år vil være "trådløs". Trådløs HDMI/ USB-
Måske også lidt OLED tv.
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Duelund Coherent Audio » ons dec 31, 2008 13:29

Raskolnikov skrev:

Hvad tror vi ser i år til CES? Jeg tror og håber på:

Kæmpe buffeter... :D

Med venlig hilsen

Frederik Carøe
Duelund Coherent Audio
Duelund Coherent Audio
Indlæg: 545
Tilmeldt: lør okt 29, 2005 22:23
Geografisk sted: Buyaharbour

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » tors jan 01, 2009 16:21

Hvis du skal der over må du da meget gerne rapporterer lidt til os heri tråden.  8)
Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope

Indlægaf Raskolnikov » lør jan 03, 2009 00:55

Hands off the compression button music industry!
Sådan poster man billeder:
Bourne trilogien
Indlæg: 6734
Tilmeldt: tirs jan 03, 2006 15:19
Geografisk sted: Nope


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