Alle regner med at se en officiel udmeldning fra Toshiba mandag. Det var den HD krig. Lad så så få nogle film på Blu Ray og få priserne ned!

Det må dog være surt for dem der har købt udstyr og software på HD DVD.
Both Japan's NHK and Reuters are reporting that Toshiba is going to
finally pull the trigger on HD DVD, ending the format war after being
punted by Wal-Mart (the country's biggest retailer), Best Buy and
Netflix. The official announcement will come next week, though Reuters
source confirmed that "We have entered the final stage of planning to
make our exit from the next generation DVD business." RIP HD DVD, you
will always have a place on our mantle. At least until we buy a Blu-ray
player. [Reuters]
Og yderligere
Wal-Mart To Exclusively Support Blu-ray
Posted February 15, 2008 by Josh
Wal-Mart has confirmed with that beginning in June the
world's largest retailer will only stock Blu-ray players and movies.
Over the next few months, they will phase out all HD DVD products and
reorganize their stores to focus on Blu-ray. This move comes days after
similar statements of support for Blu-ray by Internet movie rental site
Netflix and retailer Best Buy.
Gary Severson, senior vice president, Home Entertainment, Wal-Mart,
U.S. commented, "We've listened to our customers, who are showing a
clear preference toward Blu-ray products and movies with their
purchases. With the customers best interest in all we do, we wanted to
share our decision and timeline with them as soon as possible, knowing
it will help simplify their purchase decision, increase selection, and
increase adoption long term. We anticipate enhancing our selection with
continued great values in hi-definition Blu-ray products, so our
customers can further enhance their entertainment experience at home."
This is just the latest in a series of shifts towards either
Blu-ray support or exclusivity since Warner Brothers announced in
January that they would go Blu-ray exclusive in June.
Earlier today, sources reported that Toshiba would soon be
announcing that they would drop support for HD DVD. No official
statement has come from them, but without support from retailers, it
will probably come sooner than later.
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