Så fik vi nogle svar fra CC ang. BD. Godt og dårligt nyt. Mest dårligt...

Are Criterion's Blu-ray discs region-encoded?
Yes. Criterion is licensed to sell most of its editions only in North America.
Why should I buy regular DVDs when I don't know if Criterion will release a Blu-ray version six months from now?
you love these films, keep buying DVDs. It is going to be quite a while
before the Blu-ray marketplace can support many of the titles Criterion
releases on DVD. For new releases, if we think a title has a shot of
succeeding on Blu-ray, we aim to put out both editions at the same
time, so you can make an informed choice. Where classics from our
catalog are concerned, to give you a little extra comfort we'll be
offering a $20 Blu-ray upgrade program for customers who have already
bought the equivalent edition on DVD. You send us the movie disc from
your DVD edition, and for $20 (plus tax and shipping) we'll exchange it
for the Blu-ray version, simple as that. For more on how this works,
click here.*
What is the packaging going to look like?
Blu-ray packaging will be similar to our DVD packaging, only in the
smaller Blu-ray size. As with DVDs, we'll use a range of paper and
plastic packaging, and we'll bring the same care and attention to the
design. Where we're upgrading an existing release, the design will
match right down to the disc labels, so if you want to take advantage
of the $20 Blu-ray upgrade program, your replacement disc will fit
right into the design of your existing Criterion DVD edition. In the
store, if you want to be sure you're buying the Blu-ray edition and not
the standard-def DVD version, you'll know it by the smaller size and
the blue Blu-ray sticker on the front.
Will there be spine numbers?
numbers on our Blu-ray discs will match the existing DVD editions. Our
Blu-ray releases represent a significant upgrade when it comes to
audiovisual quality, and many of our customers will want to take
advantage of that, but we're not starting over at number 1, and we're
not expecting our longstanding DVD collectors to do so either. Where
content is concerned, we aren't planning on publishing anything on our
Blu-ray editions that won't also be available on DVD. Whether you
collect only DVDs or only Blu-ray discs or a mix, it's all part of your
Criterion collection—and they'll all line up in spine-number order.
What will Criterion Blu-ray discs cost?
Blu-ray editions will generally be priced to match our DVDs. It makes
sense to us: High-definition mastering and restoration has been a part
of our DVD production standard for years. And for our customers who
might be on the fence about whether to buy DVD or Blu-ray, we thought
the best thing we could do was take price out of the equation.
*Rebate offer subject to change.
ØV! Dvs. man ikke lige kan bruge en PS3 til CC. Nu må der da snart kommer et hack til den mest populære BD afspiller!