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I got to see "The Dark Knight" at a screening in Los Angeles on Friday and while I can't officially review the film just yet - lets just say that the hype is right, this is a masterpiece.
It really isn't a comic book movie, this feels more like a great Michael Mann movie - literally a film of "Heat" calibre. The sole common complaint is that's it's a few minutes too long, but the story is so tight that it's difficult to see where you could trim anything out of it.
Interest in the film is quickly swelling as well. Though the film is still three weeks out, midnight showings on opening night for "The Dark Knight" have essentially been sold out in many major cities. As of Friday the film has pre-sold eight times as many tickets as "Spider-Man 3" did at the same point in time before its release.
Kevin Smith has posted a brief reaction to a screening he saw on Saturday on
his blog saying that "It’s the “Godfather II” of comic book films and three times more earnest than “Batman Begins” (and fuck, was that an earnest film). Easily the most adult comic book film ever made."
The press junket for the film took place on Sunday afternoon (our coverage will be forthcoming) and
Movieweb got talking with Gary Oldman and director Chris Nolan about a potential third film. Most interesting is that Oldman alluded to the idea of the third film's villain when asked about the Joker returning as a
character (with a new actor) in the next film - "Maybe we don't need the Joker because we'll have The Riddler." Resten kan læses