Den her film ser sindssyg dårlig ud, men hvorfor er der så gode skuespillere med?

Desuden lyder det som om det er en film der kun er lavet for at sætte Moore i et dårligt lys...
som Empire skriver.
"Whatever your political point of view, I hope we can all agree that bad movies
just plain suck. With that in mind, I invite you to join with me in preparing to condemn the cinematic travesty that looks to be An American Carol (see the trailer here), a film wherein a Liberal filmmaker called Michael Malone is taught the error of his ways by the ghosts of Patton, George Washington and country singer Trace Adkins as the Grim Reaper.
But let’s look at the evidence. The film suggests that a Michael Moore-like figure wants to destroy America, and abolish their Independence Day holiday. Now say what you like about Michael Moore – that his techniques leave much to be desired; that he’s a polemicist and not a documentarian; that he missed the mark in Fahrenheit 9/11 to a well-nigh unforgiveable extent by embarking on a
series of unnecessary tangents; that he gets so far up people’s noses
that he does the Right more good than anyone else; that he could lose a
few pounds – but I don’t think there’s any doubt that he loves his country passionately; at least as much as O’Reilly and his cabal.
Then there’s the use of Muslims and lesbians for easy – not to say racist /
homophobic / sexist – laughs. Then there’s the fact that that appears
to be Kennedy standing next to O’Reilly and Patton – er, WHAT?!
Or the fact that David Zucker calls himself the “master of movie satire”.
Even assuming that he’s saying it with tongue firmly in cheek, it’s
parody he’s made a career of, not satire. And since his last two films
were both Scary Movies, I’m pretty sure that any “master” label he has
earned from Airplane! and the like has been temporarily (at least) revoked.
Ahem. The sad thing is that this film really isn’t worth even having written this blog. It won’t be released in this country and will do relatively little business in the States – I’d be amazed if it does even half as well as Fahrenheit 9/11. And if you really long to see Dennis Hopper and Kelsey Grammer in a political satire, go see Swing Vote next month instead. I’m prepared to offer a guarantee that it will be significantly more entertaining."
Puhh den lyder godt nok skidt!! Se trailer her.

Desuden lyder det som om det er en film der kun er lavet for at sætte Moore i et dårligt lys...
som Empire skriver.
"Whatever your political point of view, I hope we can all agree that bad movies
just plain suck. With that in mind, I invite you to join with me in preparing to condemn the cinematic travesty that looks to be An American Carol (see the trailer here), a film wherein a Liberal filmmaker called Michael Malone is taught the error of his ways by the ghosts of Patton, George Washington and country singer Trace Adkins as the Grim Reaper.
But let’s look at the evidence. The film suggests that a Michael Moore-like figure wants to destroy America, and abolish their Independence Day holiday. Now say what you like about Michael Moore – that his techniques leave much to be desired; that he’s a polemicist and not a documentarian; that he missed the mark in Fahrenheit 9/11 to a well-nigh unforgiveable extent by embarking on a
series of unnecessary tangents; that he gets so far up people’s noses
that he does the Right more good than anyone else; that he could lose a
few pounds – but I don’t think there’s any doubt that he loves his country passionately; at least as much as O’Reilly and his cabal.
Then there’s the use of Muslims and lesbians for easy – not to say racist /
homophobic / sexist – laughs. Then there’s the fact that that appears
to be Kennedy standing next to O’Reilly and Patton – er, WHAT?!
Or the fact that David Zucker calls himself the “master of movie satire”.
Even assuming that he’s saying it with tongue firmly in cheek, it’s
parody he’s made a career of, not satire. And since his last two films
were both Scary Movies, I’m pretty sure that any “master” label he has
earned from Airplane! and the like has been temporarily (at least) revoked.
Ahem. The sad thing is that this film really isn’t worth even having written this blog. It won’t be released in this country and will do relatively little business in the States – I’d be amazed if it does even half as well as Fahrenheit 9/11. And if you really long to see Dennis Hopper and Kelsey Grammer in a political satire, go see Swing Vote next month instead. I’m prepared to offer a guarantee that it will be significantly more entertaining."
Puhh den lyder godt nok skidt!! Se trailer her.