Det der taler for den er dog Christian Bale som John Connor. Bale har flere gange udtalt at denne film skulle være noget nyt og interessant i Terminator universet. Og hvis han stoler på filmen har den i hvert fald min interesse.

"US, March 20, 2008 - IGN TV spoke to McG this week while he was attending the Paley Fest celebration for NBC's Chuck (which he is an executive producer on). Of course we also had to ask the director about his next film, the fourth installment in the Terminator series.
"We're set to go May 5th," McG told us. "Just prepping it every day, bouncing back and forth between Mexico [where Terminator will be shot] and really bringing a credible, realistic cautionary look at a future 10 years ago."
The first three Terminator films showed glimpses of a post-apocalyptic future, but this will be the first chapter in the series to be firmly rooted in a time after the
bombs have gone off and the machines have taken over. Explaining his approach to the film, McG said, "Naturally, the first three pictures were contemporary with Terminators coming back from the future and this picture does indeed take place 10 years from now. That's the new beginning. It's reminiscent and very much honors the mythology and I've listened very diligently to James Cameron and for that matter Jonathan Mostow, and we're going to respect that mythology, but begin again very much in the spirit of what [Christopher] Nolan did with Batman. "
The TV spinoff of the Terminator franchise, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, just wrapped up its first season and the series and new film share a producer, James Middleton. McG said, "[Middleton is] helping us keep our timeline straight and our facts straight. And fortunately, not a lot of the storytelling in the television show is evident in this new installation. It's a bit of a
sequel and a prequel because it tells the story of how we got there.
But none the less, it's in the future so it's interesting and challenging."
None other than Batman himself, Christian Bale, is playing John Connor in the new Terminator. Asked how Bale came to be in the film, McG said, "[Bale is] the most prolific actor of his generation. I'm interested in becoming the best
director that I can possibly be and that begins with surrounding yourself with the most talented people you can. I went over to England and met with him and talked about what it is that ultimately makes us human and why humanity is worth fighting for, if it is at all. We had a long discussion about that. It was engaging to the degree that we both agreed to move forward."
Desuden har Stan Winston lavet effekterne ( det han nåeded..)
HD teaser kan hentes her:

Lidt om filmens post proces.
Arnold møder Bale:
Helena Bonham Carter om hendes rolle i T4.

Vi får nok snart en trailer. Virker som en slags Terminator Begins. Bliver interessant at følge selvom jeg nok er lidt skeptisk! Det største problem med den 3. film var at den gjorde Terminator figuren til en klovn og endnu værre at den annullerede alt det vi fik at vide i T2!! Vi får se.