Man kan se instr. kortfilm på youtube. Den omhandler Aliens i Afrika. ... re=related
Effekterne er desuden lavet af Weta. ... rict9.html
"De første indtryk af filmen:
"Not a lot has been revealed about
the plot of the movie except that it deals with aliens living among us,
but the film clearly has a feel not unlike Alfonso Cuaron's Children of
Men if it were mixed with Men in Black. (Incidentally, earlier in the
presentation, Sony's President of Worldwide Distribution, mentioned
that another installment of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones' "Men in
Black" series is on the way, probably shooting for 2011, along with Sam
Raimi's Spider-Man 4 and a third installment of "Ghostbusters" that had
already been in the pipeline.)"
Meget mere her:
Se det lyder jo godt, da Children of Men er et lille sci fi mesterværk!