Boxee box video: ... 81794.htmlPopbox ( den nye popcorn hour box ) skal man vælge?

Jep Otto:
Her står noget om den nye 4. gule farve. det mening? Skal Blu Ray ikke først understøtte dette?!
Ang. Panasonic så har jeg misforstået. Det er ikke det samme som Sharp, men bedre hvid i form af deres helt nye paneler.
With superb color rendition and subtle gradation of tones, the new
panel faithfully reproduces details of high-definition sources from the
pure white of virgin snow to the jet black of night.
The following graphic suggest that panasonic has adopted
Space discharge to reset the panel each frame.
It also suggests they are accomplishing this by having an electron emitting material on top of the phosphor (bottom of cell).
Both of these are what makes