Operaoptagelser fra Amsterdam med Concertgebouw frister mig mere end ditto fra turistfælderne i Verona, Milan, Metropolitan.
Dette mesterværk bør man ikke forbigå. Det må have været vildt chokerende i 30'erne, det startede som kæmpesucces – men efter 3 dage var der en anmeldelse i Pravda, som fordømte værket og komponisten. Skribenten menes at være Stalin himself, og medførte at Shosta indtil 53 var i konstant livsfare.
Musikken er fantastisk måske ikke helt så vildsom som ”The Nose”, men nok bedre. Selvsagt leverer Concertgebouw og Jansons hårrejsende spil, og Westbroek i den dominerende hovedrolle er et mirakel.
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
Katerina Lvovna Ismailova: Eva-Maria Westbroek
Sergey: Christopher Ventris
Aksinya: Carole Wilson
Boris Timofeyevich Ismailov: Vladimir Vaneev
Sonyetka: Lani Poulson
Zinovy Borisovich Ismailov: Ludovít Ludha
Shabby Peasant: Alexandre Kravets
Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Musical Director: Mariss Jansons
Stage Director: Martin Kušej
Recorded live in Het Muziektheater, Amsterdam, on 25th & 28th June 2006.
Bonus material:
Illustrated synopsis & cast gallery.
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk - The Tragedy of Katerina Ismailova - A documentary film by Reiner E. Moritz, including interviews with Martin Kušej, Mariss Jansons and leading members of the cast.
Shostakovich’s musically brilliant and ingeniously panoramic opera about love, lust, power and oppression is fabulously performed by the Concertgebouw Orchestra under Mariss Jansons in this authoritative production. Stage director Martin Kušej builds on formidable musical strengths to forge a relentless drama that explores with emotional conviction the shadowy, layered boundaries between victims and perpetrators. First-rate protagonist Eva-Maria Westbroek is phenomenal in her gripping interpretation of Katarina, compelling the entire cast, including the choir, to almost unbearable realism in their portrayal of timeless human weaknesses.
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.