If the Copenhagen sessions from Storyville yielded some memorable moments for Sonny Boy, the Otis Spann recording sessions could be summarized as some of his best. Totally focused on the instrument and voice, the listener is practically leaning over the piano enjoying every nuance of the keys and his incredible vocals-that is the blues. Otis Spann may have made more popular recordings with Muddy Waters, but he certainly wasnt heard like this. After all the amplifier howlin' was over, one can understand why many of his contemporaries enjoyed having him play after hours shows following their concerts - it was so they could hear him like this
AAPR 3016
Det er så Lazy, han kommer ikke for sent på beatet men timer den godt nok sent og sejt.

Denne kender jeg kun fra en fremragende CD. Når Spann slutter slår jeg ørerne ud til mesterværket på 200g vinyl. Jeg har så stor respekt og affection for disse, så hvordan for jeg den startet? Måske skal den vente til i morgen? Uha –det er længe siden jeg har haft lampefeber,

When Cannonball Adderley scheduled the 1958 recording of what was to be his only Blue Note LP, he called on his old employer from their days as quintet members on Columbia, Miles Davis. The reunion resulted in one of the greatest and most revered Jazz LPs ever: Somethin' Else. The quintet delivers beautiful renditions of "Autumn Leaves," "Love For Sale," "One For Daddy-O," "Dancing In The Dark" and the title tune. Cut from the original first generation analog masters, it sizzles.
Sizzles - sizzles - sizzles - IT SIZZLES
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.