af Medlem » søn sep 11, 2016 19:34
Faktisk er det jo en tro kopi af det "svar" Radioactiv, impotøren af VdH, fik fra VdH på en kritik i en tråd, forleden dag på hifi4all,
Mikke G. skriver:
Jeg har modtaget følgende respons fra Radioactiv, importøren af Van den Hul her i Danmark, som har taget kontakt til Van den Hul, oven på debatten her i tråden.
Samtidig skal det understreges, at alle reparationer, ombygninger m.m. skal gå gennem den danske importør. På den måde går tingene nemmere, og man er bedst sikret i tilfælde af reklamation.
Her kommer Van den Hul's respons på påstandene her i tråden, og lad mig starks understrege at usaglige og evt. dumsmarte bemærkninger fjernes:
"The start of my professional analogue activities was the design of my stylus VDH-1. This stylus shape was intended to have minimal record wear (optimal fitting in the groove) and maximum resolution. At the start, there was a lot of rejection because, by lack of real understanding, claims were made that this was a groove killer. A well known cartridge manufacturer in your country has also created by a well know journalist a very negative atmosphere by producing groove pictures which showed serious damage. In the mean time I got in many countries the official patent roghts for my design.
After a while, when the light was switched on again, there was suddenly the <MC-30 incl. the VDH-1. Everyone happy again. The manufacturer of my VDH-1 stylus, the Fritz Gyhger Company in Thun Switzerland thought, after a while, that it worked commercially better for them when the VDH-1 was renamed Gyger 1.
Smelling problems, I have bought their complete stock and I am still using this stock. No other stock worldwide is available anymore. The beginning of my cartridge line was the request of Mr. Benz, to design an MC cartridge for his company after he bought the USA cartridge manufacturer "Empire". That was the MC-1000.
Regular I do receive old samples for repair and replacement of parts. In those days, Mr. Benz got a car accident and he was not able to produce his cartridges anymore. Around the same time, I made the design of the DDT and following VDH models like MC-10, MC-1, Mc-1 Super & MC-2. So I was forced to put these designs together myself. I have made hundreds of these cartridges per year. At the same time I have introduced the first Grasshopper, the start of a very successful series of designs.
After Mr. Benz sold his manufacturing and brand-name: "Micro Benz" to Mr. Alfred Lukaschek, Mr. Lukaschek continued the production of parts like e.g. the different housings which I bought from him. And, at the same time, I was requested by 5 other companies to design and advice in the development of their MC cartridges. Not only the outside but also the inside had to be original and customer made.
Before and just after the introduction of the CD in 1982, there was so much work, that I stopped my regular work and focused completely on manufacturing of my phono-cartridges. Beside building phono-cartridges, I was and still am involved in the repair of all kind of models. These repairs I am still doing completely myself: Both my own models and any other brand.
Just before the introduction of the CD, I have bought all available cartridge components available in the several cartridge factories. And I am still using them up to now. Especially rubber dampers (stored in the deep-freeze) are actually quality based very rear. Thanks to the growing success, I have asked Mr. Lukaschek to produce more parts as he did. The last 15 years, Mr. Lukaschek puts the cheaper models together.
When there is an order for MC-10, this cartridge is opened again and inspected, measured and fine-tuned to the tone-arm used in combination with this cartridge. No other manufacturer offers this service. And, after 200 - 300 hours of playing, the owner has the right to return for a final inspection and adjustments on wish. Also this service is not available at any other cartridge manufacturer.
I do completely build: The Frog (any type), all Grasshopper models, The Condor, The Colibri (any type) and The Crimson. Has anyone of your forum members ever designed and build a phono-cartridge, even a very good sounding one well known all over the world?
All cartridges which arrive here for repair are measured and photographed to avoid claims afterwards which were not true. We have had bad experinec here and this was the only way to proof that the customers played unfair. After repair, the same procedure again so we know the quality before mailing.
What we experienced regular was that customers did their adjustments themselves by e.g. a tracking-force test tracking 80 - 90 micron or even more thanks to the German DHFI test-record by Braun Verlag with even 115 micron. The antiskating adjustment needs to be set higher here compared to e.g. tracking 40 - 50 micron cutting amplitude. Too high antiskating settings give unbalanced wear of the stylus (front view: right side is worn and left side still O.K.) and an off set cantilever caused by one-sided squeezed damping rubber(s). Remedy here is to replace the damper. But, with the same arm-settings, the same effect will happen again.
A serious problem is that the owner of the cartridge (any type) does not tell which tone-arm he is going to use. When it is an SME type or any equivalents model, there is no problem. But some manufacturers produce really heavy things where the effective arm mass is outranging the 8 - 14 gram. I have measured the static weight of a well known USA tone-arm reaching 425 gram. Despite a tracking force of 1,35 - 1,5 gram, no suspension can handle this massive weight in relation with warped records and/or non centered records. Also one-pivot arms ar not my friends thanks to the non-predictable balance during playing. Static all O.K. Dynamic always unbalance.
I specify for my lightweight models like the MC-10 and upwards an effective arm weight of 8 - 14 gram. Am "overdesigned" tone-arm causes suspension problems and will create a higher crosstalk during playing. We also see regular cartridge where the owner has reconnected the lead-out wires of his turntable with new connectors: "Expensive connectors sound always better" is the standard slogan of the audiophile. But his turntable is also connected to the ground-connection of the phono-amplifier. Soldering with an (even minor) current leaking soldering device, creates a small AC current through the cartridge coil where this coils was not made for. It suddenly acts as fuse and will pass for ever. Also phono-stages with leaking AC will give this effect. And active DC on the input of the phono-stage will have the same effect.
A non-conductive coil NEVER leaves here our company because all is double checked. Might it be that it is to easy to blame the manufacturer instead of helping yourself with a technical better solution?
We have an open office from 08:00 until 16:30 each day where I continue to mostly 18:00. The statement that I am not available is just incorrect. Anyone who picks up the phone here, knows the basic stories about cartridges and can respond correct. Your forum members should be able to make correct statements based on better technical understanding like I also can do based on 43 years of experience in building and measuring thousands of cartridges.
Public damaging a committed audiophile looks great and impressive for yourself and your forum members but, in reality, you show your own lack of respect."
With Best Audio Regards,
Aalt Jouk van den Hul.
Viljens magt er stor! Mvh, Mikkel